I have bought myself a few packets of what is marked prairie de fleurs - they are a mixture of annuals and by-annuals - they are more cultivated that meadow flowers but the idea is to spread them around and see what comes up.
At our new property there isn't any sign of a single flower - not a daisy or buttercup, nothing has established in the way of primroses or wild daffs which you would normally see on the hedgerows around and about. There is litterally nothing. The only thing I have seen over the two years we have had the house is dandilions around the house area.
It is agricultural land 3.5 hectars. Past years it has been farmed with we think cows and sheep. Our neighbours have had a few cows on the land last year, but that would have been the first time is a lot of years.
So, my question is - how do I prepare an area to take these seeds? What do I need to buy if anything for the soil?
There is a huge bank going up to the road area which is about 10m high x 100m long which I would like to infuse some colour into and get it looking somewhat like the natural hedgerows that are around the area. Where do I start, when do I start? What do I need for that? Would bulbs be the answer?
Any ideas for a complete novice much appreciated.
Anything I do will be around the edges of the property since the animals will take up the bulk of it, but it looks such a sad un-loved property with no colour at all.
This is not a garden by the way - it is fields that I want to do something with.