Hi there
I realised that feeding was one of the most expensive things for sheep, so I got rid of the problem, by gradually selling off anything that has to have any hard feed.
I just sold my last two Suffolk mule ewe lambs a few weeks ago and now I am left with only sheep that do not need any feeding of cake, They are mostly shetlands or Shetland crosses but I have a few random sheep (Texel mule, Wilts horn cross ryeland) that were kept purely because they need no maintenance even though their breeds usually need more feeding etc.
My lambs have been on the worst grazing possible really this year
its basicly been grazing straw but they have still managed to grow well without ever havig any extra feed or ewes having any feed.
Breeding pedigree shetlands for replacments next year aswel as cross breeding, none will be fed and all lambed outdoors (last year my field flooded so they had to be moved into a stable and workshop!)
Make the most out of your grazing, don't keep ewe lambs on unless they have been bred to maximise efficiency and figure out wether its best to under stock on land rather than over stock and I think you will be well on your way to making the most from your sheep!