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Author Topic: Darkbrowneggs - giving up all poultry - last lot of Marans for sale chicks £5  (Read 23186 times)


  • Joined Oct 2009
  • Grangemouth
Sorry to hear you your news Sue. I wish I had noticed earlier as I would have loved the opportunity to buy some of your stock but I assume its all gone now!! Heres wishing you all the best for your adventure round the country!!!
Try to be the type of person your dog thinks you are!


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • leslie, fife
  • i have chickens, sheep and opinions!!!
Moregin I think i will be full up, if there is any spare space what are you interested in???


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Don't forget we have 5 baby Marans here already - they may all be cockerels, need someone to look at them.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Oct 2009
  • Grangemouth
Thank you David, that would be great if you had any room. A few females basically, as I already agreed to have one of the males you hatched from Annie. I have dog cages and a small poultry crate here if you want to borrow them for the journey.


Try to be the type of person your dog thinks you are!


  • Joined Jul 2008
Good luck in your new adventure :thumbsup: .  You and Phoebe would be very welcome here, space to park up and enjoy the view 8) .


  • Joined Feb 2012
Just read the thread and wishing you all the very best for a successful adventure!  I met a wonderful lady the other day who is also touring in a vw camper - enjoying the life with no regrets !  She inspired me to do the same one day - you have to dream your dreams a size to big so you grow into them.  Hope you get to see the northern lights its one of my wishes too.   Do let us all know how you get on.


  • Joined Aug 2009
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Re: Darkbrowneggs - giving up all poultry -
« Reply #66 on: July 30, 2013, 09:53:20 am »
Only just noticed this too... :-[     a huuuge step for you to take Sue but doubtless the right one....perhaps your travels will bring you to the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds where you would be most could get to see how you helped us restart after the worst fox attack...and what has aided OH's rehab and given a focus.....
Wishing you lots of luck :sunshine: :sunshine:


  • Joined Aug 2010
    • The World is My Lobster
You have all been really kind, and thanks so much for the messages of support, and offers of places to visit as well  :thumbsup: :D :thumbsup:

There still are a few of my "Black" Marans which are going to be lovely birds and good layers of beautiful eggs.  They are from £15-£20 - I shall know after Friday how many are left, someone is travelling a long distance and I promised to keep some for him

And I also have some youngsters from my lovely Cream Legbar flock and I am particularly keen to for them to go to folk who want to set up breeding flocks.  I shall keep the website running and it can be used as a free-of-charge "hub" for those with birds or eggs to sell or exchange as I would like "my" line to keep going as it has a lot of potential

And I was just starting off what promised to be a very good line of Welsummers.  There are currently some growers available at £15 each

Also various pullet growers of my  from £10-£15

I keep going and counting them all, then someone comes and takes a few from the various pens, I forget to make a note and its back to counting them all again  ::) 

Quick update - All the Welsummers gone
Another quick update - All the Black Marans gone

« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 03:52:10 pm by darkbrowneggs »
To follow my travel journal see

For lots of info about Marans and how to breed and look after them see


  • Joined Mar 2009
  • Leafy Surrey
I really wish I was nearer to you!  I wanted to get some eggs from you for my girls to hatch, but they haven't been broody!  I wish you well in your travels - you are welcome here in Surrey if you come down this way at all!


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