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Author Topic: the last post.  (Read 14897 times)


  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: the last post.
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2013, 01:07:35 pm »
Sorry you feel the need to go but everyone has that choice. All the best for the future.


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Re: the last post.
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2013, 05:03:42 pm »
I'm sad to see you go Dave  :(


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Re: the last post.
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2013, 11:26:39 am »
I've just seen this, haven't seen the threads where arguments supposedly took place and have no interest in going to find out what has been said on any side.  I also didn't see anything about eviction but would probably not have offered, even if I had been in the right part of the world to do so (not sure what it was about or where the person needed to be).  Partly because I have done so several times previously and sometimes it works out well but often it doesn't, and partly because if it involved their animals then I just don't have space for more, I'm trying to downsize already.  Most recently I took someone in financial dire straits into my home when I knew them only vaguely, just a year ago and lost so much faith and trust as a result of what happened that I would be wary of offering again.  The 7 months they were eventually here also cost me money I didn't have to pay the extra bills and council tax I got landed with that they couldn't afford/didn't offer to help with and I don't have enough myself to keep bailing out strangers, I do what I can and have to draw a line sometimes, that's how it is.

What I will say and do know though is that DITW made a personal gesture of support for me in late 2011 that he didn't have to and it helped more than he probably knew.  He is also clearly passionate about stuff, sometimes I would probably agree with him other times not, and sometimes half and half, the problem but not his solution for instance.  It doesn't matter as much to me whether I agree with someone as whether I know where I stand with them, and he's always pretty clear where he stands so that works for me and I am sorry that whatever happened here has happened if it means he is no longer around.  I have never met him because we're opposite ends of a country so my projection of him is perhaps entirely inaccurate but I like the person I "saw" even if I didn't always agree with the politics  or opinions, because I judge on actions not words and his actions in my case were rock solid gold.

Thanks and good luck.
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  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: the last post.
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2013, 01:50:02 pm »
Ellie's, your post is wonderful, from the heart, I too would not bother looking back on arguments, in real life like on here, that happens, it's something that is between those with opposing views......we are all entitled to views after all and I do not know DITW but can tell he is genuine and would give the shirt off his back......

I have taken people in before but not anymore, we live a very frugal life......I hate all the backstabbing when people leave this forum, it's completely un necessary and hurtful

Thanks Ellied :bouquet: [size=78%]. [/size]

Castle Farm

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Re: the last post.
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2013, 02:00:20 pm »
The last time I helped somebody out was the last time.

I let a woman use one of my properties so she could have her young daughter with her over Christmas.

She ran up my Electric bill to over £470 and my gas bill to over £580. She invited 4 other low life to move in and I had a hellova job getting them out.
They used the place to deal drugs from and the people next door reported me to the police for dealing.

I had no rent for 5 months and had to re-decorate the who place from top to bottom after I forceably threw the lot of them out (with the help of some paid assistants)
I then had a letter from her solicitor for harrasment.

Some people don't deserve any help. >:(
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  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: the last post.
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2013, 03:10:28 pm »
We went to view a property that was let but they did a runner, we felt so sorry for the owners......I know a few people who have had problems when letting houses......I go to some B&B 's where homeless are placed, we did take in some homeless no issues at all but the ones I see are a bit less than appreciative of the nice things paid for to help...sad, shame we cannot filter them a bit


  • Joined Jan 2013
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Re: the last post.
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2013, 04:16:30 pm »
One landlord I knew in Denmark had a very efficient method with rent arrears. He simply took the front door away until they paid up. Not sure if it would work in the modern times we live in


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: the last post.
« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2013, 04:34:49 pm »
One landlord I knew in Denmark had a very efficient method with rent arrears. He simply took the front door away until they paid up. Not sure if it would work in the modern times we live in
Our accountant lets his flat out and its often trashed by people too!!


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Re: the last post.
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2013, 03:15:16 pm »
from deepinthewoods.

right then.

ive thought long and hard about this. and im sure a few people here will be glad but its time for me to go.

ive realised that apart from a select few, who either now know me in real life, or will, or are in contact with me properly, i really dont fit in..

maybe its the life ive led, but my reality seems to be totally misunderstood. i seem to be in an environment i would never enter into in real life, in my life,everyone i know would share their last fag, their last beer and their last pound.

it was really noticable to me, that when one of the members here was being threatened with eviction, and had nowhere to go,  the only people who offered any help, were the ones who owned no land of their own. that sort of said it all. how many acres between all the members? not one offered a pitch up. i really couldnt believe that.

its ok to be rich, its ok to have land, but if youve lost all humanity, what is the point?

id like to hope that at least ive opened a few peoples eyes, to what is happening in the underclass of this country. and as ive said before, its the job of the strong, and the rich, to look after those weaker than them. not exploit them. this has always been my point.

i would also like to think that ive shown some people that you can be politically active in this democratic farce of a country. thats worth remembering too.

my daughter was the 1000 th like, on tas facebook page. and was publicly 'offered' a 'prize' from then on, silence. funny that.


rosemary, youve ignored my pm's, youve ignored my friend requests. i dont know why. and i really dont care. but you know what, i aint that bad.

if anyone wants to get hold of me. im sure you can ;)

stay lucky.xx

and before anyone asks, yes me n plums are eloping in a romany vardo. ok.

Good luck to you, I must say though and without prejudice, after ditw e-mailed me personally and started to make a friendship, after I "opened up" well, that was it, so it does work both ways- regards being ignored., I tried so hard when ditw was having dire problems and even offered to help but it was saddening that vague excuses were made.

Not to worry as I am rather thick skinned now and I believe Ditw only really wanted to meet someone-and now that he has, he has left. And although I felt somewhat snubbed, I do see his point. I have been ripped off by other Tas members, tried to help others and it just seems that many of you-and those whom are indeed Rich cannot help themselves but to walk all over others.

I have offered advice over my time here- and that advice had been snubbed by other members, yet I was raised on a farm, have my own smallholding for quite some time now and am indeed knowledgeable in many aspects of Smallholding, Farming and one many of you have no clue about is Life.

Yes, Ditw and many others on here really do know about real life, but others, well they have no real idea and seem to be incredibly rude, this is why I tend to stay away these days as I myself am just not on the same wavelength as some of you here.

Take care Ditw, good luck with your new venture and don't forget regardless of the issues and such, you could always turn up at my door-both of you if your home is threatened.


  • Joined Mar 2009
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Re: the last post.
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2013, 03:49:26 pm »
I'm sorry to see you go DITW. It's differences that make things interesting, and I've always enjoyed reading your perspectives, even if I didn't agree with them.
I have to say though, this is an internet forum. We don't know each other face to face, and I would be pretty cagey about helping folks out or offering help without knowing them personally. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but that doesn't make us uncaring people. We each of us have our own struggles, and it's great to be able to share a few of the smallholding ones with other like minded people. However, this isn't the sum total of real life, it's an internet forum, and we all need to make sure we keep things in perspective.
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  • Joined Oct 2009
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2013, 05:26:01 pm »
I don't read all threads , just skim through and read the odd few . Mainly that is due to internet connection via mobile phone , but also a time thing .
I must have missed so much more than i thought though .
Mel , don't worry about being snubbed by anyone  , i don't lol .
I have some basic thoughts on life etc , many similar to Dave's , some of my thoughts may be very different to other peoples and that is fine . I get hammered by some but hey , i am a big boy and can take care of myself both verbally and physically .
I can understand and accept other peoples views but when people have a go , or take the piss i bite back ! I am not one for grudges though .
Someone has a dig at me , i bite back and usually tell them to feckoff .
I think Dave was a bit more diplomatic than me there .
 If words are spoken so be it . But then move on and get on with life .
Anything i say is my view and no body has to read what i say . If what i say offends , stop reading !  The same with Dave's or anyone elses posts unless there is a direct attack on an individual , but even then do what i do , tell them to feckoff , and then forget it .
There are plenty of people who will give you their last quid but most won't , that's life .
If i needed someones last quid for food , i would rather walk round a supemarket with a trolley  eating a pork pie or two and then a bunch of grapes , maybe a yogurt too . Keep on going till i was full or got kicked out lol . But i prefer to do my thing and get by as best i can , i have never gone hungry .
There are many people that help others and some get hurt because they help , again that's life but it isn't always like that .
Feckin off in a vardo eh ? Oh a life on the open road , it's the only way to live !


  • Joined Aug 2011
Re: the last post.
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2013, 05:58:41 pm »
I read DITWs posts re the bedroom tax. As you know, I am new on here. I was surprised and appalled at the aggression in some of his comments, to the extent that I had a look at some previous posts. I almost wrote to Rosemary and Dan to ask how someone who could be so personal and vitriolic could be a moderator, but then was concerned that if I did, I would have him or someone like him, down on me like a tonne of bricks. Please can we keep this forum friendly - comments like criticising prices for pork, criticising people's choices of animals for sale etc, make newbies feel incredibly uncomfortable and wonder whether we will be slated for asking a question. Fingers crossed this post doesn't result in abuse... :fc: :surrender: :surrender:

If someone posts on a political thread - expect them to have an opinion. Is how democracies work and no, we can't all be super nice to each other all the time.

I never noticed him criticising peoples meat prices though.

On the other hand - I hate a flounce. If you are going to go, just stop posting - its only an internet forum.

I give my opinion, and to be honest I couldn't care less if people follow my advice - their livestock, their call. If people find it helpful, well, thats nice.


  • Joined Feb 2010
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Re: the last post.
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2013, 06:45:30 pm »
Yes - why the big spiel?? It's easy enough to stop posting and stop visiting the Hilary's Mum did bless her. I still miss her now. Don't know what happened.
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Re: the last post.
« Reply #43 on: April 08, 2013, 07:32:11 pm »
Yep I agree- it's just a forum for Smallholders and yes sometimes we have to touch on local or national politics but it has proved dangerous and unwelcome to post views then do not want to debate or respect others views on.
My Dad said NEVER talk politics religion or sex with people you do not know. I think that may be true for this type of forum and would save further upset between members.
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  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: the last post.
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2013, 07:39:06 pm »
I always think that no one will change my views and I doubt I can change any one elses so...why bother?


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