I doubt I will be able to raise the funds ATM but out of interest how much would you be looking at for the Shetlands please?
Are you 100% sure you want to do this?
I would GLADLY foster your shetland girls and your poultry whilst you had a while to see if you can adjust. WOuld cost you nothing and you could have them back whenever you wanted.
In my experience having someone tell you what you must to regarding giving up a dream builds resentment.
I will be 100% honest and say just recently my Husband and I have had some serious discussions.
Him saying we can't afford them. Me paying for everything AND our own rent whilst he fannies about earning nothing.
Came as a big shock to a burly military man to have his wife tell him to pack up and sod off if he can't at least allow me MY dream after I have financially supported him with his for 3 years.
I love him to bits but I ain't giving it all up a second time.
It isn't a bed of roses at the mo, but good grief things are so much better for me standing my ground.
but whatever happens have lots of these