Having planted several thousand willow , holly , ash , poplar apple , plum and cherry own grown cuttings as well as rearing dozens 7 dozens of almonds walnuts , horse chestnuts , oaks ash & syacamore seeds for fire wood in future years may I offer tha you plant them in easy accessible rows with a wakl way inbetween the rows so you can easily push a modified wheel barrow or take a small quad & trailer between rows .
There is a product called scoot that you chuck on a hot fire it crumbs up chimney tars and they fall back down to be consumed in the fire thus keeping your chimney & flues fairly clean of the tars associated with wood burning . Over wash fires boxes also help in reducing tar build up as the volatile tars are burnt with super heated hot air before they cnter the flue.
Cherry wood is not far behind the speed of growth for willow hazel or ash it grows easily in similar places and is good for regrowth after cutting off a foot above the ground it burns well as it is full of resin.
When we burnt wood I dscovered that you need to stay clear of hawthorn as it spits like a wild cat and can break the glass of a burners door.
Elderberry is nigh on useless but does help eeke out a dwindling supply if you burn it late on in an established ash bed during the evening not expecting any great heat
Also beware of burning any root especially hawthorn most spit well and should there be a stone in the root it is likely to explode and fling shattered red hot stone out through the door glass .