Author Topic: nuclear power plants.  (Read 88112 times)

the great composto

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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2012, 09:00:33 am »
Putting the gas prices up is one way to train 60million people to put an extra woolly on rather than turn the heating up.

The best answer is to use less energy not find ways of creating more with Nuclear power.

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2012, 09:13:01 am »
Agreed DITW ..... I don't support nuclear at all. That isn't where I'm coming from. Just discussing the present viability of the alternatives.
There have been studies to show that our present infra-structure for transporting energy from renewables is out-dated and is fit for purpose only from conventional/nuclear stations. However the "big" companies choose to ignore any independent research and seem unwilling to discuss it, certainly at any public meetings. What worries me is that all the developments are driven primarily by the desire to make profit. Is public money lining the pockets of these companies when it could be spent on the development of more effective green technologies? If we could store energy produced by wind that would perhaps be different.
I was told by a person "high up" in Scottish Power company that the money spent on the "project" in Montgomeryshire could have been used to give each and every household in the area £10,000 to install solar panels and that would have been far better use of the money. This was told to me "privately".
Sorry, lost all confidence in wind farm development in this area and no I am not a Nimby .... not directly affected and all for green energy. These companies seemed always very defensive and either wouldn't answer questions or gave different answer to the same questions when asked at different meetings  ::) . Others may have had better experiences. I hope they have because I must admit that I was previously very much for wind power but then I suppose being a trusting person I just assumed they must work or at least help. Having researched a little into things I am not too sure any more.  :( Hope I am wrong and we are not throwing money at big companies instead of investing it wisely. Maybe wind will work if we hurry up and develop the technology to store the energy.
It's very complex, like most things I suppose, when you look closely at what is going on.
Cross posted with GC ....  :thumbsup:  yep.


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2012, 10:12:59 am »
i agree.
there, yoiu werent expecting that huh!! ;D


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2012, 10:40:31 am »
From our place I can see 6 wind turbines. The surrounding farms have them. I pass most of them every day but I am that used to seeing them that most of the time I forget about them. I have a friend who hates them and spends her time protesting to stop them being built. She thinks nuclear power is the way to go but not on her doorstep. People like this will be the first to complain when the lights go off.


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2012, 11:19:35 am »
as anyone who has holidayed in cornwall will be aware, there are hundreds of them here.  20 within 2miles of my place,  i do not have the experience or knowledge to offer arguments regarding the financial implications oif them or hoe that is arranged. all i know is, they are a damn site better than a nuclear plant.
if they planned to put a plant here i WOULD be moving.


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2012, 11:23:49 am »
the Pr machine running over the last 30 years to sell nuclear as clean has obviously done a great job. I suppose global warming has not helped but came just in time to exploit carbon emissions as an argument. I am not surpised where things are going but deeply saddened. I do not envy the next generations, we've done a great job ruining it all for them one way or another. :&>


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« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2012, 11:39:41 am »
My comment was a tongue in cheek one mate lol . I am probably the last one who would give up , not in my nature .


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2012, 11:49:45 am »
My comment was a tongue in cheek one mate lol . I am probably the last one who would give up , not in my nature .

if this was meant for me - I wasn't responding to yours  ;D , just my thoughts on the state of things, not always the optimist :roflanim: . Honestly, I would not be  that keen on large turbines on my doorstep but something I could live with....what's a bit of noise compared with a timebomb?  :&>


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« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2012, 11:57:41 am »
No , sorry Kerstin . I was replying to Dave , i didn't see your post till after i had posted my reply to Dave . I should have put his name on my reply , sorry mate , my fault !


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2012, 12:12:46 pm »
no bother, Russ, made me smile even on this sour topic  ;D :&>


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #40 on: October 31, 2012, 12:42:52 pm »
i knew you were tounge in  cheek m8 no problem.
whats needed is a 'global paradigm shift' a leap in conciousness, its nearly happening but there is some dark forces working out there. what has been said about uranium mining is true, ive researched lots, try googling 'shinkolobwe'  check out the death rates. the deformed babies (and animals........)
ive said before ( to ridicule) that schmallenberg was caused by the fallout from fukushima. you have the right to think im mad but the evidence stacks up, as i proved in a previous thread....   
tom zoellners book is worth reading.
this planet is not ruled by oil, it is ruled by uranium. simple.
and everytime people point it out they are called either comnspiracy theorists or 'nutters' 
im not, obviously refering to anyone here....
if you want a proper sensible energy plan then lobby your mp and PROTEST!!! its all we can do.


  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2012, 01:08:21 pm »
What I dont understand is why there is not more of a push to make every building in the land more energy efficient, surely that would half the burden on the current system, if every building was producing electricity, had rain water capture methods, good insulation, solar water heating etc etc etc...
Maybe I am just barking up the wrong tree, but it seems an obvious and reasonably low cost version compared to building and maintaining nuclear power plants and disposing of and the waste product.
thought I would throw my 2 pence into the mix, I must confess I have not read the whole post. ooops
If the people with common sense were in control, none of the old boys clubs would make any money I suppose.


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #42 on: October 31, 2012, 01:48:21 pm »
common sense and forward thinking is no that highly rated...
The fear is not to have enough electricity for industry - but for which industry I wonder??? The common householder is not the main concern...  :&>


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #43 on: October 31, 2012, 02:11:42 pm »
What I dont understand is why there is not more of a push to make every building in the land more energy efficient, surely that would half the burden on the current system, if every building was producing electricity, had rain water capture methods, good insulation, solar water heating etc etc etc...
Maybe I am just barking up the wrong tree, but it seems an obvious and reasonably low cost version compared to building and maintaining nuclear power plants and disposing of and the waste product.
thought I would throw my 2 pence into the mix, I must confess I have not read the whole post. ooops
If the people with common sense were in control, none of the old boys clubs would make any money I suppose.

precisely. your logic is exactly right. however as this site shows regularly, independent thinking people are doing those things themselves. this is the evolution that is required. and it sticks 2 sticky fingers up to those 'old boys' who want our money!!!
the electricity needed for industry? its to power all those neon adverts in picadilly circus :-J


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #44 on: October 31, 2012, 02:55:22 pm »
the problem with making existing homes more energy efficent is it's small scale. Govts don't like small scale, they like big solutions, preferable supplied by big companies, whose board of directors went to the same public school and belong to the same golf club as whatever crop of politicians are in whitehall.


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