Agreed DITW ..... I don't support nuclear at all. That isn't where I'm coming from. Just discussing the present viability of the alternatives.
There have been studies to show that our present infra-structure for transporting energy from renewables is out-dated and is fit for purpose only from conventional/nuclear stations. However the "big" companies choose to ignore any independent research and seem unwilling to discuss it, certainly at any public meetings. What worries me is that all the developments are driven primarily by the desire to make profit. Is public money lining the pockets of these companies when it could be spent on the development of more effective green technologies? If we could store energy produced by wind that would perhaps be different.
I was told by a person "high up" in Scottish Power company that the money spent on the "project" in Montgomeryshire could have been used to give each and every household in the area £10,000 to install solar panels and that would have been far better use of the money. This was told to me "privately".
Sorry, lost all confidence in wind farm development in this area and no I am not a Nimby .... not directly affected and all for green energy. These companies seemed always very defensive and either wouldn't answer questions or gave different answer to the same questions when asked at different meetings

. Others may have had better experiences. I hope they have because I must admit that I was previously very much for wind power but then I suppose being a trusting person I just assumed they must work or at least help. Having researched a little into things I am not too sure any more.

Hope I am wrong and we are not throwing money at big companies instead of investing it wisely. Maybe wind will work if we hurry up and develop the technology to store the energy.
It's very complex, like most things I suppose, when you look closely at what is going on.
Cross posted with GC ....
