Author Topic: nuclear power plants.  (Read 87671 times)

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #255 on: November 08, 2012, 01:00:08 pm »
Phew, that's good.  :relief:  ...... don't want to get told off for getting in a scrap.  ;D   As you say just trying to see all sides. Legacy of nuclear is I think pretty obvious but its so easy to see no wrong in the "green" technologies. Could do with a little caution, to get things right this time, me thinks.  :eyelashes: 

Rare earth metals used in many technologies, including wind turbines, I believe ....... not without problems there????  ???


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #256 on: November 08, 2012, 01:06:39 pm »
no technology is without impact. the whole current ( ::) )energy debate is based around the amount of profit to be made versus the environmental impact.
the difference with nuclear is it adds legacy and weaponry into the mix.
it would be alot easier if we struck nuclear off the list and started to base our energy decisions on providing energy that was as green as it can be, whilst supplying the energy neccessary.
if the debate was based on that framework, we might get somewhere i reckon!

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #257 on: November 08, 2012, 01:17:03 pm »
 :excited:  Totally agree. That is the big problem we found when looking into wind power. So much being driven by financial gains. I don't see corruption in everything I look at but, oh dear, my eyes were opened by discussions with these big companies and their representatives. Like dealing with a bag of worms.  ::)  I like straightforward talk but they didn't seem to understand the concept. If you just smiled they were okay but you ask a searching question then you were making trouble. ::)  Even had them say .... well why are you bothering, we've looked on the map, it won't affect you. In other words  .... keep out of it. Not pleasant experiences.


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #258 on: November 08, 2012, 10:43:42 pm »
Robbie you can get ground level stand alone units in daisy chains .  My bro inlaw has nine panels out in his paddock about ten metres from his house . He got his before the change in subsidied for £ 7800 fitter and wrking .  I'm not sure if it is still viable in the short term .
Last time we spoke in  June this year he said he had  £ 550 in just under four months as well as having his take for his  family of four .

Greetingz Plantoid. ( Great handle by the way )
This technology is advancing almost by the month. Today I saw a new house built with PV tiles on the roof instead of roofing tiles... Would dearly like to be more independent but dont want to spend ma wodge on tech that is out dated within the year. These current PV's look too crude. I just spent the last 10 years restoring my lovely old hoose, I dont fancy fitting it with satellite wings that make it look like the International space station.  Molding a PV tile that snaps onto a roof in an array rather like a pantile ( or even better like a marley tile! ) is right around the corner...  :fc:

In the mean time i will continue to strive for greater and greater efficiency.   :thinking: :&> :farmer:  :innocent:
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  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #259 on: November 09, 2012, 01:28:41 pm »
Hi Deep In the Woods...

''normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car- that you are still paying for in order to get to the job you need, to pay for the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.''   Ellen Goodman

I totally agree. that's why we work from home...
Cupar weather
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It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm actually quite busy ;)


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Re: nuclear power plants.
« Reply #260 on: November 09, 2012, 01:42:19 pm »
me too!!! even if it isnt mine and never will be!!


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