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Author Topic: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife  (Read 17684 times)


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2012, 10:01:26 am »
sexing, i left a post further down is the poultry section as im having diffuculty with my 13 - though they are getting older now 5/6 weeks (i think - that un organised i didnt plot the day they turned up on the calender)  their voices are starting to changed from the duckling 'peeps' into adult quacks, and i can deffinatly hear differences some sound like the ducks, and a few are making strange noises so im guessing they are the drakes.
You tube have videos on with people sexing them, i did find that quite usefull. depending on how accurtate my sexing is (hoping to get help) i would offer you a hand. im guessing your fairley local to me as you are a long the eden, im just outside cupar.

Simon O

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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2012, 10:31:05 am »
Hi Robbie just got round to reading this thread and the detail you put in is very interesting. I have not done any incubating, just had day old chicks and turkeys, and now into 2nd year of chicken keeping have been able to hatch 2 clutches of eggs under broody hens - of these 8 of 10 chicks hatched from my own eggs with one chick subsequently dying at about 2 weeks old leaving 7 from the original 10, and in the second group 6 of 12 hatched from internet bought eggs.
The reason for me putting this in here in your thread is that I have found it so much more liberating and relaxing using the broodies rather than getting days olds as you can just let them get on with it and you don't have to worry about all the details of incubation that have kept you running about, and the mother hen cares for the chicks so much better than I can with my little electric lamp and carboard box. It is so great seeing the mother hen and chicks together.
I know you are not in a position to use broody hens to do the hatching, but maybe in future you will be able to use broodies.
I would like to try using an incubator some time just to try it out as of course I will not always have broodies ready to help when I might want to get some eggs hatched.
Good luck to you anyway.


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2012, 11:11:29 am »
I know Cameron doesn't have a problem with breeding  ;D but maybe some of us local here could share a Muscovy ? Apparently they are the best to get the job done and will be good mums. :&> Some have even given them hens' eggs although I'm not sure how the mothering will go that way round, have heard of broody hens incubating ducklings (although that does surprise me, as duck eggs do take a week longer that the hen puts up with that). :&>

Simon O

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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2012, 12:01:40 pm »
my last broody was solid as a rock for approx 5 weeks, the first 2 on a single egg until I got my internet delivery sorted out. I know I only got 50% hatch rate but I don't think this was due to a failure of sitting, and from other posts this is perhaps a reasonable percentage for internet eggs


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2012, 12:15:14 pm »
I tried 2 broody hens last year but both gave up, this year none could be bothered...


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2012, 01:10:26 pm »
depending on how accurtate my sexing is (hoping to get help) i would offer you a hand. im guessing your fairley local to me as you are a long the eden, im just outside cupar.

That would be very helpful. Thanks. We are indeed local. How old can they be sexed when they are wee?

maybe some of us local here could share a Muscovy ? Apparently they are the best to get the job done and will be good mums. :&> :&>

Kerstin. You are most welcome to borrow my incubator once I'm done. Its a Brinsea polyhatch ( it has been fitted with a small fan ) Our next clutch arrived this morning and are resting in the back lobby till the incubator is free in a couple of days. The C team are 18 Crested White Runners :)

Wee yin took a proper drink of water today first thing and we managed to get a little boiled egg and dvorak into the wee soul. We have put them together now, Vasily/lucky started preening it straight await. Weeyin looks like a trout!

Egg B6 externally pipped this morning and is rocking around. This was the biggest egg of the two clutches. So im gonna call it Big yin :)

We are so pleased Vasily/Lucky play has a wee pal now!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 01:20:35 pm by robbiegrant »
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2012, 01:11:41 pm »
Hi Robbie just got round to reading this thread and the detail you put in is very interesting. I have not done any incubating, just had day old chicks and turkeys, and now into 2nd year of chicken keeping have been able to hatch 2 clutches of eggs under broody hens - of these 8 of 10 chicks hatched from my own eggs with one chick subsequently dying at about 2 weeks old leaving 7 from the original 10, and in the second group 6 of 12 hatched from internet bought eggs.
The reason for me putting this in here in your thread is that I have found it so much more liberating and relaxing using the broodies rather than getting days olds as you can just let them get on with it and you don't have to worry about all the details of incubation that have kept you running about, and the mother hen cares for the chicks so much better than I can with my little electric lamp and carboard box. It is so great seeing the mother hen and chicks together.
I know you are not in a position to use broody hens to do the hatching, but maybe in future you will be able to use broodies.
I would like to try using an incubator some time just to try it out as of course I will not always have broodies ready to help when I might want to get some eggs hatched.
Good luck to you anyway.

Hi Simon
Nature knows whats best. ( mostly ) And seems to put little effort into the seemingly complicated process of embryos turning into little creatures. Though in our case we would have lost the first two if we hadn't intervened.

Transport hatching eggs can be hit and miss. ( I asked the supplier of the C Team to send SD ) as I have been told they don't go though the same sorting process as first class registered. This morning arrivals are in the back hall resting. I will open the box and have a wee peep when I get a mo.  :fc:

Be well. Robbie
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 01:19:25 pm by robbiegrant »
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2012, 01:35:00 pm »

Kerstin. You are most welcome to borrow my incubator once I'm done. Its a Brinsea polyhatch ( it has been fitted with a small fan ) Our next clutch arrived this morning and are resting in the back lobby till the incubator is free in a couple of days.

I may well come back to you on that offer come spring! I could do with a couple or so young hens but don't have a" heat chamber" for the cooler of weather! Some new young ducks will arrive soon so that will keep me entertained this autumn  ;D :&>


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2012, 03:01:16 pm »
How many chickhen do you plan to incubate?
Are you hatching the ducklings yourself.?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 03:03:10 pm by robbiegrant »
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2012, 03:31:12 pm »
I'd like to try for 2 or 3  hens, so start with half a dozen to be on the safe side?

No, I only managed to have one of our own this year - a friend on here seems to have been quite successful this year, so I was offered a couple of girls, which I will happily accept to add to our lot of mongrels  ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D :&>


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2012, 04:09:11 pm »
I'd like to try for 2 or 3  hens, so start with half a dozen to be on the safe side?

No, I only managed to have one of our own this year - a friend on here seems to have been quite successful this year, so I was offered a couple of girls, which I will happily accept to add to our lot of mongrels  ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D :&>

Hybrids doncha mean?  8)
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2012, 04:25:37 pm »
politically more correct, yup  :D :&>


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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2012, 07:07:52 pm »
politically more correct, yup  :D :&>

Politically yes but I was thinking more of the vigour and robust nature of most hybrids ( including plants ) Sometimes us humans selectively breed the Sh1t out of one variety or another. Dogs come to mind. The IMO the kennel club/breeders can  do a huge amount of damage to various breeds. Mongrels are inherantly stronger. My old rough / border collie cross never visited the vet once in his long  happy 23 year  long life!

Anyway I just nipped on to say egg B6 is vigourously unzipping right in front of my eyes.

Im addicted to Duck TV....

or maybe thats Adducked! LOL  :excited:
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2012, 09:35:48 pm »
Houston - At 20:30 BST " The Eagle" ( pronounced Duckling ) has landed.  :roflanim: 
B6 Booted its shell off in good style. We got it on video...A nice big duckling too... We are so pleased Vasily ( Lucky ) has some pals to play with. Not sure he's that bothered though, he already considers himself human!

I know Vasily is a pure bred white but what are the others? One looks just like the wild mallard ducklings I see on the riverbank here so Im thinking he's a trout! ( golden and dark brown with dark bill, legs and feet )  B6 is similar, lighter shade a bit more golden rather than brown and his bill, legs and feet are dark colour with pink bits... Is it a trout too? or cant ewe tell at this stage?

The next stage is about to begin. Follow the C teams development here
Thank you all for your advice and support.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 02:31:20 am by robbiegrant »
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Re: Our first brood of 12 Indian runners in Fife
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2012, 01:11:11 pm »
How are they getting on, robbie? Any new additions? I bet they keep you entertained and busy with mucking out! How's the feeding regime? I meant to say earlier, if you can avoid them, don't feed chick crumbs. Unmedicated duckling crumbs you will probably have to order. That's why I opted for porridge until I could feed duck growers pellets.  :&>


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