Author Topic: What's everyone up to today?  (Read 116139 times)

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #345 on: October 15, 2012, 10:27:02 pm »
im cooking a special dinner for a good friends birthday, carpaccio of beef starter, lamb steak and seasonal veg from the garden, with choclate cake for puds, a nice bottle of champas and a merlot with the food. yum.

Hello my very dearest friend, DITW.  How are you old pal?  Did you know it's my birthday soon?  :innocent: :eyelashes:


  • Joined Sep 2012
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #346 on: October 16, 2012, 03:33:23 pm »
Peeling a snake.

It's bit me twice, I'm now wearing gloves, and bleeding


  • Joined Apr 2010
  • Cambridgeshire
    • Hempsals Community Farm
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #347 on: October 16, 2012, 03:41:20 pm »
Another mad day for me, up at 5.15am for a couple of hours of cheese making as I'm doing a little cheese making demo this evening for farm members. I've been preparing it all so I can do lots of 'now wait 12 hours and here's one I prepared earlier' and get on to the interesting bits. Then the animal round  till 8.30am and off to the part-time job via the butcher to drop off the cut list for the last two of this year's pigs. Will finish work about four, back for more feeding and milking, quick bite to eat and read some bedtime stories then off for cheese making evening. Should be home by ten, knackered and happy - at least that's the plan!


  • Joined Apr 2010
  • Cambridgeshire
    • Hempsals Community Farm
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #348 on: October 16, 2012, 03:41:55 pm »
Hang on, did you say *peeling* a snake? What!?


  • Joined Sep 2012
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #349 on: October 16, 2012, 03:46:30 pm »
Yup, snake peeling,

Not as exotic as it sounds, one of my pythons has managed to shed his head skin and his tail skin and left about 4ft in the middle unshed, so I've put him in the bath, got him out and let him run about his viv for a bit, no more shed coming off, so I'm spraying him with water and peeling bits off every half hour or so cos it makes him grumpy and then he bites me, it's not fun when it's him, all the others, even the big guys are fairly docile it's just this one that's a bit feisty


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Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #350 on: October 16, 2012, 07:05:34 pm »
I have had a brainstorm here,I cleared out my tomatoes last week and was wondering what to put in for winter,then I thought,my pullets could use the outside area to scratch in,so I put two raised beds inside and have put in my onion sets ;D ;D I thought,well at least I am using it for something,the other greenhouse has the same but with shallots.(the girls then can't reap havoc in my beds lol!

Has anyone tried potatoes in the greenhouse or poly over winter?though guess it would have to be pretty frost proof,bubble wrap maybe?

As of today all my pullets are in lay now,so I should have plenty of eggs for Christmas Yayy :excited:


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Cornwall
  • Rarely short of an opinion but I mean well
    • Trelay Cohousing Community
Re: What's everyone up to today?
« Reply #351 on: October 18, 2012, 12:04:37 am »
Spinning group in the Dales today, took a raw fleece from one of our commercial sheep as a give-away.  Everyone loved it, raved about it even, and the lady who runs the group said we could definitely sell fleeces of that quality to spinners. Very pleased.  ;D
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


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