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Author Topic: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,  (Read 13640 times)


  • Joined Jan 2011
    • lelogisfrance
Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2012, 09:50:28 am »
Hi Julie

How is Ellen this morning?


  • Joined Jun 2011
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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2012, 12:36:22 pm »
I just wonder if my Elllens are the only ones farrowing preferabely during suppertime... :farmer:


  • Joined Mar 2009
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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2012, 12:56:10 pm »
Thanks for asking nelson.

I managed to get her up for something to eat and drink yesterday evening and again this morning.  She's not very enthusiastic and just lies back down again.

She's letting the piglets feed, but she's just not right yet.

Third dose of antibiotics this afternoon, so hopefully she will show even more signs of improvement.

Pedigree GOS Pigs and Butchery for Smallholders.


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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2012, 01:21:27 pm »
I'll send some reiki too - can't hurt after all  ;)
Hope she's soon improved mrs  :-*


  • Joined Jan 2011
    • lelogisfrance
Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2012, 02:25:15 pm »
Hi Julie

16 days ago our Gloria (GOS) farrowed and had what I thought was a "lot of blood" farrowing. Didn't give her an antibiotic 5 days later she had an infected udder and uterus. Vet came out and she was on a course of anti biotic - today she has become more like her old self. Took a while.
She was very lethargic - I just fed her with treats - lots of comfrey which I have just started growing (she loved it). Apricots and I have a milking goat so the milk went to her. Oh and apples - she has just started back on the hard feed. Her piglets are fabulous. It is so awful to see them not quite themselves.  :fc: she will turn the corner.


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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2012, 07:06:34 pm »

16 days ago our Gloria (GOS) farrowed and had what I thought was a "lot of blood" farrowing.

what do u call alot of blood?
we were present with dollys farrowing and on her 8th and 9th (out of 10) piglet, a fair bit of bright blood was coming out of her vulva, dripping quite quickly and making a puddle on the floor. i think we decided it could have been from the umbilical of the piglets which was slow in coming out. the cord did need tying. id say there was about 1/4 teacup blood min. everyone is fine and if i wasnt present, i wouldnt have known as it was quickly covered by straw.
is this normal? or usual?


  • Joined Jan 2011
    • lelogisfrance
Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2012, 08:46:16 pm »

Not sure whether the blood factored in the cause of the infection or perhaps not all of the afterbirths came away. I know think perhaps that it was retained placenta - if my french was better I would ask the vet but he seemed to know what he was doing.

Didn't mean to alarm you pp - all my sows seem to farrow differently.  I just had a gut feeling about this one and wish I had given her some anti biotic cover after the birth.

I haven't had a case of mastitis in my sows and would be interested in what Julie is feeding Ellen while she is under the weather.


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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2012, 09:24:07 pm »

Didn't mean to alarm you pp - all my sows seem to farrow differently.  I just had a gut feeling about this one and wish I had given her some anti biotic cover after the birth.

no no, it was a bit alarming wen we saw the blood as it wasnt like that with the other piglets or the other farrowings that wev bin there for, but she passed the placentas fine. i was wondering if bright blood loss was common? as i say, we wouldnt have noticed if we werent present.

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2012, 11:10:07 am »
Hi Julie
Been away so have missed most of this, hopefully the antibiotics will start to kick in, we had this with Ruby&Clover and i found that wiping her teats with antibac wipes regularly helped or sponging them down with tepid water and making sure her bed is dry, when they have mastitis they are tempted to pee in their bedding and lay in it to cool their teats it doesn't it just makes a breeding ground for bacteria which is not what you want.
Hope she's on the mend.
All the best Mandy  :pig: 
Ps waiting for Clover to offload her July's due on the 4th she's huge and you can see her poor tum bubbling away, think they're gonna be monsters!


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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2012, 11:23:34 am »
And can everybody join me in a chorus...
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you
You look like a monkey and smell like one too"  :sofa:
Only kidding Julie - I just wanted to use the new smiley  ;)


  • Joined Mar 2009
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Re: When.....and How Many? A Bit of Fun,
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2012, 11:41:04 am »
Thank you Karen.....Love the smiley!!!!! 

Thank you too Mandy.  I'm relieved to say Ellen looks a bit brighter this morning too.

I'm hoping she's turned a corner and on the mend now.  I've been very worried about her.

Thankfully I've been doing all the things you've suggested (you're right about the peeing where they are laying too!!!!).

I'm hoping that she has a go at me this afternoon when it's antibiotic time - a good sign they are getting better!!!!   :love: :pig: :love:

Pedigree GOS Pigs and Butchery for Smallholders.


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