Plum wine sounds goooood. Or bad, bad for me, that is. More drunken ramblings may occur. I bought wine making thingies last year, but haven't made anything yet. Now, if I could become self sufficient in wine I'd be loaded!
Doganjo, we should be working our cocker, she's very bright, however she was intended as a family pet who can go out on a shoot and she's just had her first day. She shook with excitement the entire time and just wanted to play with the other dogs. Unfortunately she has a nasty habit of buggering off, and taking our matronly lab with her. I'm so worried about the roads and them causing an accident. So we can't let the pair of them out together, they have to go separately, it's a nightmare. When we first got her and she was about three months she disappeared. We searched for 24 hours, dug up every rabbit hole for miles, cried and cried, friends came with their dogs to help look, so traumatic. There's an infrequently used railway line nearby, she had crossed it and jumped down into a drain hole and couldn't get out. We couldn't hear her bark because the railway line is built up and she was below the ground. We were lucky that it didn't rain that night, she could well have drowned. Oh, the joys.
So we should be working harder with her is the answer. BUT she does retrieve eggs which my cream legbars lay behind the hay bales, comes in (through the cat flap) with such joy when she finds one, it's adorable. Very soft mouthed.
We're looking forward to breeding from her, it's not something I've done before. I've been trying to attach a photo of her (she's very beautiful) but my files are all too large. Drat.