Author Topic: How often do you clean out your coops?  (Read 44573 times)


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How often do you clean out your coops?
« on: January 01, 2012, 05:49:17 pm »
OK, so without wishing to divert the exciting discussion on chicken dandruff ;) on the other thread, I was a bit taken aback at the criticism directed at poor Knightquest for his lack of housekeeping.

So, I thought I'd be the first to admit that mine isn't much better:

There's just as much poo underneath the perches in our coop, albeit mixed in with a bit of hemcore bedding. So, I'm going to admit that I only clean it out every two weeks, and have been known to top dress with hemcore and leave it a bit longer on occasion (and when I did, it filled an entire wheelbarrow!!). However, the ventilation is good, the coop isn't damp, and doesn't smell.

Likewise, the geese get done every two months whether they need it or not  :o.

Am I really a bad person?  Should Knightquest and I both be forced to spend a night on the naughty perch to for pay our sins?

Come on folks, 'fess up - it's theraputic!   ;)  In fact, I dare you to go out RIGHT NOW and take a pic of your coop in whatever state it's currently in.... anybody feeling brave??  :o

P.S. Thanks for posting your photo Knightquest - it reminds me a lot of the bonnet of my landrover, which is where our hens hang out and poop on wet days. I do get some funny looks in the work carpark though, come to think of it!  ;D
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 05:52:51 pm by Womble »
"All fungi are edible. Some fungi are only edible once." -Terry Pratchett


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 05:54:02 pm »
I have only 2 chickens and 2 ducks at at the mo- I spot clean under perches/nest box most days and full clean and disinfect/mite treatment once a week.
Old and rare breed Ducks, chickens, geese, sheep, guinea pigs, 3 dogs, 3 cats, husband and chicks brooding in the tv cabinate!

little blue

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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2012, 05:59:07 pm »
Cleaned my hens & quail out yesterday. (*smug!*)
but .... they were in a similar state - its been so wet, its a struggle to clean them out & keep them clean so they've been "topped up"
I confess to mucking out more often when it isn't winter.

one pen of three girls have chucked out a load of shavings into the previously spotless (almost!) outside paved area, so that is now all wet  >:(
I've had words with them, and one presented me with an egg, so all is forgiven! They've not laid since about october!

Altogether we have 6 separate bird houses & runs, so it can take a while....
Little Blue


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2012, 06:05:52 pm »
For me it depends on what sort of coop it is, how many birds in it and what age they are. I'll fess up to not cleaning the growers solway plastic arch for a whole month and just throwing in a fresh layer of eco-flax once a week.
Chicken nutter extraordinaire.


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2012, 06:56:00 pm »
We 'poo pick' clean our coops every day without fail, but they are built for accessibility to do it. The runs as well to save moving them onto new grass too often. This keeps them all healthy, us happy and satisfies Animal Health if they call unexpectedly -registration is compulsory if you have more than 50 chickens. The longest we ever went without cleaning out coops was 7 days 2 years ago, as we went on holiday. As soon as we came back they were all completely stripped and bedding replaced.


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 07:19:57 pm »
I'm intrigued by the daily poo picking thing, mine are so messy that picking isn't really an option!

 Womble, I'm with you - honesty is the best policy. I don't clean my hen house out as often as I should. God, chickens poo A LOT. The chickens are free range, well fed, snug and safe, if a little stinky from time to time. When I do clean it out they get the full works, and I throw hay in regularly, my conscience is almost clear. My hen house has a slidey-out floor which is a bloody nightmare. I didn't know any better when I bought it, now I would spend more time looking at the ease of cleaning when buying a house. A topic for another thread, I reckon.

On another note, there do seem to be random attacks of criticism on this (wonderful) forum which have caused at least two people that I'm aware of to leave, which is a great shame. I find it enormously useful, and have met Sandy, Northfifeduckling, Robert & Lillian, Taz, and you Womble, all in the interests of buying and selling amongst ourselves, which is one of the lovely things and great benefits about being part of a smallholding community. I dislike the sudden ganging up which occasionally happens when some poor unsuspecting soul posts a thread about something like wanting a micro pig......  BAM! I didn't see Knightquest's thread, so can't comment on that. Honesty is commendable, kindness is optional - but advisable. In my humble opinion.

Conscious of my New Years resolutions, I have had several of my five a day in the form of (rather a lot) of bloody mary, and washed down a multi vitamin pill as a nod to my 'must be healthier' resolution. So I'm well on my way to resolution excellence. HOWEVER I am close to contravening the rules about posting while under the affluence of incahol, which should be strictly adhered to, particularly concerning offyourfacebook. So I may get shot down for my post and regret it in the morning. In Vino Vertias. Or in my case, In Vodka Veritas.



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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2012, 07:34:58 pm »
On another note, there do seem to be random attacks of criticism on this (wonderful) forum which have caused at least two people that I'm aware of to leave, which is a great shame. I find it enormously useful, and have met Sandy, Northfifeduckling, Robert & Lillian, Taz, and you Womble, all in the interests of buying and selling amongst ourselves, which is one of the lovely things and great benefits about being part of a smallholding community. I dislike the sudden ganging up which occasionally happens when some poor unsuspecting soul posts a thread about something like wanting a micro pig......  BAM! I didn't see Knightquest's thread, so can't comment on that. Honesty is commendable, kindness is optional - but advisable. In my humble opinion.

I didn't see the original post other than via Womble's link. I agree on the blend of honesty and kindness - the last thing we should want to do is put anyone off asking for information or advice for fear of being pilloried.

On hen house cleaning, we have two 8'x6' houses - I don't clean them routinely but I do clean them regularly and they get a good clean and dust with Diatom. I do the nestboxes every day though. Sometimes other things take priority. Such is life.


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2012, 07:39:34 pm »
I couldn't put a set time on how often I clean mine - its usually when I look at think "OK, they need doing now!" and I aim to do this every saturday. we have 2 coops and this time of year they get very muddy, fallen leaves and twigs get traipsed in and can very quickly get to looking like knightquests coop. The nest boxes are kept cleaner, I flick 'em out every day with a little spade (that I stole from the kidlets but its just the right size!)
I don't  want to see Ian/knightquest feeling he is under attack - he is quite possibly one of the nicest people I've 'met' on here and I know from chatting with him that he cares for his animals a lot  :bouquet:
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2012, 07:42:58 pm »
Pillioried. An excellent word which I never use. I shall steal it and use it on a regular basis from now on. Marvellous.
Try these on for size - a few of my favourites, all underused;


Pass the wine.

And although I've never met you, Plums, you're a star.  :bouquet:


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2012, 08:12:11 pm »
Likewise Dizzycow!! Batrachophagous  ?! I like that one. I
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2012, 08:13:26 pm »
I clean mine out once week - they've gone a fortnight with a top-up when I've been I'll. Each time I spray the perches and under with TotalMiteKill and sprinkle with diatom powder.


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2012, 08:16:32 pm »
You're a better chickenkeeper than me. We do our best.... 

As Rosemary said, sometimes things take priority. It's sod's law that on the one day that there is no work, kids are occupied and other jobs are done, it's lashing with rain! C'est la vie.

Plums, going to look that up. Sounds excellent.  ;)


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2012, 08:17:53 pm »
Oh, it was mine! Ha ha ha! Pass more wine..... Sod it, it's NYD! Ha ha! xxx


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2012, 08:21:03 pm »
 ;D  LOL it was yours!!  I had to google it to find out what it meant. how many have you had dizzycow!! love it  ;)
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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Re: How often do you clean out your coops?
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2012, 08:22:16 pm »
Nothing whatsoever. Hic.


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