I'm intrigued by the daily poo picking thing, mine are so messy that picking isn't really an option!
Womble, I'm with you - honesty is the best policy. I don't clean my hen house out as often as I should. God, chickens poo A LOT. The chickens are free range, well fed, snug and safe, if a little stinky from time to time. When I do clean it out they get the full works, and I throw hay in regularly, my conscience is almost clear. My hen house has a slidey-out floor which is a bloody nightmare. I didn't know any better when I bought it, now I would spend more time looking at the ease of cleaning when buying a house. A topic for another thread, I reckon.
On another note, there do seem to be random attacks of criticism on this (wonderful) forum which have caused at least two people that I'm aware of to leave, which is a great shame. I find it enormously useful, and have met Sandy, Northfifeduckling, Robert & Lillian, Taz, and you Womble, all in the interests of buying and selling amongst ourselves, which is one of the lovely things and great benefits about being part of a smallholding community. I dislike the sudden ganging up which occasionally happens when some poor unsuspecting soul posts a thread about something like wanting a micro pig...... BAM! I didn't see Knightquest's thread, so can't comment on that. Honesty is commendable, kindness is optional - but advisable. In my humble opinion.
Conscious of my New Years resolutions, I have had several of my five a day in the form of (rather a lot) of bloody mary, and washed down a multi vitamin pill as a nod to my 'must be healthier' resolution. So I'm well on my way to resolution excellence. HOWEVER I am close to contravening the rules about posting while under the affluence of incahol, which should be strictly adhered to, particularly concerning offyourfacebook. So I may get shot down for my post and regret it in the morning. In Vino Vertias. Or in my case, In Vodka Veritas.