Woohoo, good for you! 
We've got a 3.96KWh installation, and it's addictive. I'm sure we're more careful with our electricity usage at night now too, since we don't want to spend all of that hard-earned money generated during the day. 
Ever though of changing the less inportant lights in your home to internal transformer low voltage LED bulbs that plug in to the 240v system sockets , We have done this and the quartly bill has dropped by nearly £15. Seeing that these bulbs are about 20 years of use and the cost of the electricity is only gong to climb I think the £120 we spent on the bulbs is worth while . We have had the bulbs for just over 2 & 1/2 years .
The LED bulbs are in groups of four each light is on a ball joint so you can aim it ..three white and one blue
this gives a better light than just four white 1.5 watt bulbs .
In the lounge and office I have put in ( when we rewired the place ) new 12 volt light units that have an external transformer in the roof void for each light .
We have a total of 9 x 12 volt 10 watt incandescent bulbs in the three wall lights and 12 x 12 volt incandescent bulbs in the two overhead lights .
It certainly makes for as much light as the old 240 volt incandescent bulbs but is a fraction of the price for their power.
Oh we recently had to replace the 12 yr old TV so got an all singing all dancing 3D led 42 inch TV by LG
This is or was a few months ago one of the smallest power consuming TV'son the market for its size .