This is very tiresome, however you guys clearly get upset if I don't reply so in response:
Firstly, re the wooden spoon joke - I suspected you might not want me to mention hits = revenue (and I have been proved so right), hence my making
light of it with a
gag. At the end of the day this website is a business. Not everyone knows how websites are run with regard to getting the money in, is it really such a big deal for me to say. Yes it did just 'pop into my head' to mention it, is that a problem too. And at what point did I say I wanted a discussion about
advertising (yawn). None. It was a comment.
Secondly, why do I have to reply back again when I asked if you were going to sell the website in due course? What more was there for me to add. It was a simple question, I can't see anymore in it than that, even if you can.
even if it is sold, in the words of the anti nowhere league
'so what'
Thirdly the 'twopenneth' phrase seems to have really got your back up. It's pointless to even try to justify that one, it's just a saying; 'my twopenneth for what it's worth'.
Snide remarks: If you want to take my comments that way so be it. I just see how things come across on the Internet and I've merely commented on them.
Now you are saying it's off topic but you complain if I don't respond. I can't win. Threads do run off topic from time to time and this is one of them.
Pick this response off sentence by sentence too if you want, but for me I think this has been covered quite thoroughly thank you.
Time out boys and girls.