there is one site i visit it has a black background with yellow writing and after reading the posts my eyes can only be described as looking at a venetian blind yet these moving images do not impare my vision
Yellow foreground text on a black background will be very comfortable for people with certain visual impairments, but as you've said can be very uncomfortable for others (like you and I). The opposite is also true, so while you have no problem with moving images many people do.
obviously television and cinema must have the same effect?
Yes, although it's not as simple as all moving images causing a problem. The refresh rate of a screen, the underlying technology, brightness, contrast, etc will all be a factor. The guiding principle (on the web at least) is to reduce moving images to an absolute minimum, and not start things like video until the user chooses to.
i will just away to to the nursing home next door and get fitted with adult pampers and have my tea with bromide 
Age is a factor for some impairments like macular degeneration, but many people are born with visual impairments, or develop them very early in life.