I feed my dogs an all in one working dog food, gold medal Dr something? anyway, I give both dogs a cupful twice a day and sometimes they will have something else mixed in, usually leftover something although I left a bin bag in the yard yesterday and forgot to put it in the dustbin, so Islay a Labrador, had all the treats in her bed, we arrived to be greeted by her with a potato in her mouth!!! saying that, I noticed the last bit of jam sponge had dissapeared from my kitchen and it wasn't Steve!!!
Yesterday I spent a lot of time moving from room to room doing nothing. Steve went logging for a while, I did my hair several times and it ended up ridged with hairspray, then I cooked some spaghetti for the chickens and made them a strawberry jam sandwhich for a treat, while they were eating I cleaned out the hutch and took some photos but they kept moving or trying to get the camera. I went to work for an hour then to Stirling for food, we ate too much, Steve spend the last £5 we had with us in a charity shop, he bought some books to read on the train, then we came home and then went to Stirling again to collect a table and chairs for outside.....so Today, I am determine to get much more done, first, coffee and toast and of course some couch surfing!!