First off… I am hard on my ewes and culling criteria. Some people may be more lenient than me, but I do believe my flock is better for it. Empty, prolapse, crap mothers, no milk, abortion, mastitis, caesarean are all cullable offences for me. Ringwomb would be if it was a true ringwomb and needed a section. Repeated hard lambing would be too if each year the same ewe had big problems lambing. Lambing is hard enough without worrying about what happened with a ewe last year. I am also somewhat limited on numbers so every ewe must pull her weight.
If you’re in doubt about whether to castrate ram lambs, I would ring them. Considering it’s your first year, it would be one less thing to worry about. If you want to sell them as wethers they either need castrating by banding/ringing before 7 days of age, or you’ll have to pay the vet. If you’re going to kill them for meat, it doesn’t matter if they’re not castrated too much, as long as you’ve got somewhere to keep them away from any females, and get rid before the autumn.