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Author Topic: Ewe keeps pushing but not lambing  (Read 1971 times)


  • Joined Aug 2018
Ewe keeps pushing but not lambing
« on: March 02, 2024, 11:05:49 pm »
I have a ewe that’s due to lamb in a few days. The past two days she’s been pushing for periods at a time. She hasn’t prolapsed but concerned she will. She’s rather thin (condition seemed to have improved before tupping so put her in but it’s literally dropped off her) and I’m keeping an extra close eye on her.
She doesn’t do it all the time and I wasn’t sure if it was just where the lambs were making her uncomfortable. Like she’s trying to move them about? I don’t know what causes them to do this?? I have a prolapse harness. If I put this on her would it take away the urge to keep pushing? I don’t want her to prolapse or waste energy.


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Cornwall
  • Rarely short of an opinion but I mean well
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Re: Ewe keeps pushing but not lambing
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2024, 04:47:48 am »
If you see anything emerging when she pushes and going back in when she relaxes, then I think I would catch her and, as she's pretty much due, have a check, and assuming nothing in the canal or wanting to be, then yes I would fit the harness. 

I think I might ring the vet to see if anything is recommended, as she's so close to lambing and is thin. 
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined Aug 2018
Re: Ewe keeps pushing but not lambing
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2024, 05:07:31 am »
Just back from putting the harness on and read your reply! It was semi out when laid down so thought it best. Would the harness take away the urge to push? Assuming it must do 🤔


  • Joined Feb 2011
  • Cornwall
  • Rarely short of an opinion but I mean well
    • Trelay Cohousing Community
Re: Ewe keeps pushing but not lambing
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2024, 10:01:09 am »
I've only used spoons myself, and they definitely take away the urge to push, and they also hold everything in place so that she can pee.  How do you know you've got the spoon in correctly?  She's peeing down your arm...
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


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