Well done, every little helps.

Bet he never thought of making one before you bought it

I just have a tiny box water feature, but I've bought a couple of plants for it and some water cress to help get it clear. I have a pump but I tried all last year to set it so it wouldn't just empty the pond. I'll try again when i switch it back on later in the year
Another gift from my kids was two bug boxes - screwed to the back fence, south facing. Haven't seen anything going in and out but fingers crossed.
I haven't put up nest boxes yet but I've been thinking about one in the big rhododendron as there loads of birds and I feed them from my balcony.
Might just try to charm 'someone' (tame gardener, local tree surgeon, son, grandson etc etc

to dig a big hole out in the orchard for a bigger wildlife pond