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Author Topic: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)  (Read 17360 times)


  • Joined Nov 2023
A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« on: November 20, 2023, 10:08:01 am »
Ok - first off, because of the nature of this post - I have created and am posting using a new account.  That way, if I get hate or banned etc - it wont hit my main ASH account.

So here is the situation....

When we moved into our WELSH Smallholding 2 years ago, there was an area for pigs.  The former owner was using an old Oil Tank as a pig arc - apparently he used to work for a supply company and could get new ones for pennies, so he bought a new one, cut a hole in it, and kept pigs in it for years.

Recently, we decided to get into pigs, but as the old arc (OilTank) was in a bad state of repair (it must have been 20 years old, single skinned, etc with holes from branches falling on it), we invested in one of the new Arcs made of recycled tires.

I took to the old arc (oil tank) with a saw - and was very careful to  collect all the plastic shavings from the saw in a tarpaulin so that I was not creating micro plastics.

Anyway, all the oil tank bits went into old plant soil bags, and we took them down to the recycle centre - on the basis that hard plastic - should be recyclable.  And was turned away - doesn't matter the use - they cannot accept an old oil tank - it has to be "decommissioned".   Not sure how it being in 40 different lumps still needed to be decommissioned, or how it would be decommissioned from being used as a pig arc.

We looked up companies, and they want £1000 to decommission an oil tank.   Again, repeating, never used for oil (as far as we know), in bits.   So £1000 to take it away.

So where does that leave us - with no really good options:
1) Pay somebody £1000 to collect bags of clean cut up oil tank
2) Cut it up even further and put it in the standard household bags with our household rubbish - which is a lot of work for me, and it just ends up in landfill
3) Dump it somewhere (flytip) - we are not going to do this, but with regulations such as this, I can see why it happens
4) Pay some dodgy person some cash to take it away - no doubt, who will then fly tip
5) Bury it on our land somewhere
6) Burn it - which will create tonnes of air pollution
7) Leave it in bags somewhere on our property where it will sit for the next 20 years until we sell it, moving the problem down the chain
8) Lookout for poor unsuspecting sole who has left a rubbish bin or skip somewhere

Dont know what to do with this dam oil tank now.

Sorry - rant over.   I just want to recycle the thing.  I can understand if it was covered in oil, but its clean - it was covered in pigs muck when we moved in but 2 years of rain has dealt with that.


  • Joined Dec 2011
  • Gascony, France
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2023, 01:10:02 pm »
I think your problems stem from it being referred to as an 'old oil tank' when it is actually a 'old plastic pig ark'. "Old oil tank' implies that it has, at some stage' been used for storing oil (if it has it will be discoloured- ours is). I don't know about the conveyancing practices there, but here you have to make a legal declaration that nothing untoward has been buried in the ground (they have a list which includes chemicals, plastic and asbestos). If there is no such requirement there I'd be tempted to bury it under the new pig arc as you have cut it into pieces so it won't occupy much volume.

Alternatively, make the pieces small enough using a power saw and just put some in with each domestic rubbish sack. Could you warm the pieces up somehow and bend them?

Here the pieces of plastic (uncontaminated) can go in a skip called 'not recyclable' which includes old swimming pool liners, loft insulation, plastic window frames etc. Plastic here is burned to produce electricity in one of 17 power stations. I suspect the aforementioned is sorted and the plastic ground up for fuel? If not, it should be.

Good luck with your problem.


  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Herefordshire/Shropshire Border
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2023, 02:27:31 pm »
Could you just order a small skip and chuck it in there? 


  • Joined May 2010
  • South Lanarkshire
    • ScotHebs
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2023, 11:58:19 pm »
I think chrismahon has got it right - stop calling it 'an old oil tank'. Then option 7 is probably what would happen at most places, at least until they've forgotten your face at the recycling centre. I see no reason why morally you shouldn't take it back there at some time as it is just a washed pig ark after all, and you are disposing of it responsibly.
I don't see why you are expecting hate mail  :hug:
"Let's not talk about what we can do, but do what we can"

There is NO planet B - what are YOU doing to save our home?

Do something today that your future self will thank you for - plant a tree

 Love your soil - it's the lifeblood of your land.


  • Joined Apr 2019
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2023, 04:28:04 am »
Get a skip in from kne of the decent companies and they have really high recycling rates. Not sure what area you are in but if its anywhere near the SA postcode I k ow of some legit good companies with high recycling rates. Appreciate you probably feel you shouldn't have to pay to dispose of it. Only other option would be cut it up smaller so it's not recognised and then take it in bits

Steph Hen

  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Angus Scotland.
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2023, 12:35:58 pm »
One bag a fortnight in your wheelie bin.


  • Joined Sep 2019
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2023, 03:37:28 pm »
Get a skip in from kne of the decent companies and they have really high recycling rates. Not sure what area you are in but if its anywhere near the SA postcode I k ow of some legit good companies with high recycling rates. Appreciate you probably feel you shouldn't have to pay to dispose of it. Only other option would be cut it up smaller so it's not recognised and then take it in bits

Hey - I am in the SA post code, and was about to hire a skip for a general tidy up.   Who would you recommend?


  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Herefordshire/Shropshire Border
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2023, 09:25:48 am »
When you called it an oil tank, the recycling centre wont have liked that because it was 'contaminated waste' in their terms.   

However, if you had called it a pig ark, they probably would still have refused to take it, as it would potentially have then been classed as 'commercial waste'. 

Our local recycling centre (like many others) has been subcontracted to a commercial outfit, who get heavily fined by the local authority (inspectors) if they are sailing close to the wind with any of the on-site waste they have accepted, which is why they are so very twitchy these days. 

It is so frustrating, as it then results in more illegal fly tipping as you have already said. 


  • Joined Feb 2012
  • Somerset
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2023, 02:31:23 pm »
Could you take it to another recycling centre and describe it as an old pig ark. That would not automatically mean it is commercial waste. Lots of people keep pigs as pets. :pig:


  • Joined Apr 2019
Re: A rant - Stopped from doing the right thing (OilTank)
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2023, 05:41:04 am »
Get a skip in from kne of the decent companies and they have really high recycling rates. Not sure what area you are in but if its anywhere near the SA postcode I k ow of some legit good companies with high recycling rates. Appreciate you probably feel you shouldn't have to pay to dispose of it. Only other option would be cut it up smaller so it's not recognised and then take it in bits

Hey - I am in the SA post code, and was about to hire a skip for a general tidy up.   Who would you recommend?

If you want to know its definitely being handled correctly and maximum amount fir material is recycled and diverted from landfill I'd give Derwen Recycling a call. I've used them professionally and personally and they've been great. I am not associated  with them in any way other than as a satisfied customer


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