
You won't need a heat lamp. Healthy lambs under cover do not need heat, and too much heat is dangerous. I would only ever use a heat lamp (or the Rayburn

) on a newborn or very nearly newborn that's foundered outside and is actually hypothermic, too cold to feed. Assuming you are getting lambs who are already on the bottle and have had colostrum, this won't be the case (and you shouldn't need a stomach tube either for the same reason, although it's an essential if you are lambing yourself, as would be Kick Start or Co-Late or similar, and glucose powder.)
The supplier will have ringed the boys' testicles, and the tails if you are wanting them tailed?
You will need straw for bedding, nice soft hay to teach them to eat forage, sterilising fluid (Miltons or Capriclense or similar), lamb feed (you can get lamb creep pellets but I have always found they take to a simple mix better, eg., Champion Tup & Lamb) and something to feed it in, and a bowl for water. (I use a ceramic dog water bowl when they're tiny, moving up to a bucket when they are bigger.)
Personally I would have Rehydion or PFS (Pfizer Scour Formula) to hand just in case one of them gets squitty. (A lot of people say that including a dollop of fresh, clean probiotic yoghurt in each batch of milk will help them to not get squitty.)
Some lime or similar is a good idea to clean a pen if someone has has the squits, but you can get that if you need it.
Enjoy! And feel free to shower us with piccies and stories...