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Author Topic: Compost and compost bins  (Read 13049 times)

the great composto

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Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2012, 09:12:10 am »
that pallet tool is a tool I need MAK

this is a demo

Pallet Dismantling/Stripping Bar® by Cargo Cycles™


  • Joined Nov 2011
  • Middle ish of France
    • Cadeaux de La forge
Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2012, 09:42:32 am »
The chap who makes them is still a one man band despite sales all over the world. We received ours in the post and it took Chris longer to unwrap it than it took her to strip her first pallet. She got carried away and stripped the ones I wanted to use to make a wall within a barn.
Compost - as said earlier the key is to get the temperature up and maintain water content. It is hard work turning a cube of compost 1 meter square BUT the tip I would share is to site your compost in a space that allows you to turn it without disturbing veg next to it. The 3 bin method is good as you can turn stuff as you move down the bin chain after emptying the "ready" bin.
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  • Joined Feb 2010
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Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2012, 11:00:00 am »
That does indeed look like a handy tool.
Our pallet compost bins work like this. It's winter now so not much happening apart from one being topped up with veg peelings, tea bags etc, and dirty chicken bedding. Will just keep adding to this one till it's full or spring comes around whichever is soonest. We have two bins that have been filled and turned a couple of times and left to stew over winter. Hopefully these will be good stuff by the spring and will go into the polytunnel and the raised beds. A further bin is full but will need turning and a bit longer to mature. In the spring when we start cutting grass etc I'll turn the bins that have over wintered and mix in some grass cuttings which will get some heat going and finish them off quite quickly I hope. Then the spring and summer regime of filling the bins and turning starts again.
The beauty of pallet bins is this. When you need to turn the contents you just dismantle the bin, re-assemble it next to the old one and fork it over. Bloody good exercise too.

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #33 on: December 14, 2012, 12:02:41 pm »
Must confess to the lazy way of making compost... we just put all the pig poo & straw and garden debris in a huge heap and OH turns it with the JCB bucket 2 or 3 times a year ground permitting, two years worth of rotted pig poo & straw makes marvellous compost and last year used it to fill all my pots and hanging baskets, got the odd weed thro but lovely moist crumbly stuff.
Mandy :pig:
forgot to say that in the interim year we grow pumpkins on the heap whilst we start another one.


  • Joined Aug 2009
Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #34 on: December 14, 2012, 02:48:02 pm »
I am very impressed with the pallet tool. How much strength and grip does it need?


  • Joined Nov 2011
  • Middle ish of France
    • Cadeaux de La forge
Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #35 on: December 14, 2012, 05:44:44 pm »
Sylvia _ Chris is quite petite and she tells me that she is not strong. She did not struggle at all despite those orrible nails they use to secure pallets. One pallet did split a bit and the wood no use for making things. She breaks up the pallets and i cut them down for the job in hand.
I suggest that it is worth inspecting and selecting the better quality wood before nicking your pallets.
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  • Joined May 2011
  • Yorkshireman on a hill in wet South Wales
Re: Compost and compost bins
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2012, 10:53:22 pm »
Check out " The Berkley 18 day hot composting method." it works exceedingly well .
 I use seven dalek type compost bins form the local authority and have a fantastic success using the Berkley method .
There are lots of links in the site that will give you loads of info as to carbons to nitrogen ratios you need for making fantastic compost .
 The turning allows air to give oxygen to aerobically convert the materials & the extra  the moisture added helps the bacteria and fungi  that break the materials down  multiply a zillion times thus releasing valuable nutrients  Using the hot composting method means that the moisture droplets  containing the nutrienty etc are absorbed by the dessicating matter so stay there till put on the gardens .
Old fashioned open to the elements air manure /compost heaps lose a lot of nutrient into the soil thay stand on.
International playboy & liar .
Man of the world not a country


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