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Author Topic: My 1st smallholding venture  (Read 21164 times)


  • Joined Apr 2015
Re: My 1st smallholding venture
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2015, 03:39:50 pm »
sorry, I was thinking of the tap supply, one Christmas we had to pull all the kithen units out and all the copper pipe behind them, another year it was the cylinder, being Christmas/new year of course we couldn't get the parts, spent about 2 weeks wriggling round units in the kitchen (OH is heating engineer, he was too busy mending other peoples heating  ::) )
Ours is only the Royale, heats the S/S cylinder immediatly above upstairs rather than straight to the taps, so that's a sealed system with inhibitor in.
The central heating is seperate and as you say, inhibitor should work.
We also installed a year or so ago, a filter system, with UV? light, supposed to sort any bacteria and deals with the Ph. really wierd going into the garage in the dark, this strange green glow in the corner. ???

i've just ordered a digital ph reader - guess i need to know how acidic our water is. are you finding the UV is up'ing the PH?...what other filter system are you using...can you pm me a link?
the filters im seeing are quite expensive but all 'inline' so only reqiure plumbing in.

What PH is your old were the copper pipes before they corroded?...the new cylinder is copper and now im freaking out a bit...think a filter is the way fwd.


  • Joined Apr 2015
Re: My 1st smallholding venture
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2015, 03:37:26 pm »
so the chickens have arrived. .now waiting in anticipation for the 1st egg and what colour it will be...might run a book on it!!  :innocent: :excited:

They are currently in a cocoon chicken coop which has a 5ft run...the 60 sqm run will hopefully be finished this weekend and then we'll put the coop  in the big run. Im feeding layer pellets in the morning and mixed corn on a night with a few dried meal worms thrown in to get them settled...i've been reading that Marmite on toast is good for them when they first arrive to boost energy and as a once a week treat...anyone else hear'd/tried this?



  • Joined Sep 2015
Re: My 1st smallholding venture
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2015, 12:43:21 pm »

Any eggs yet?

I've been reading all these posts with great interest, as it sounds like we're in a very similar situation to you, and not too far away either (near Colne). We bought a house with 2 acres 3 months ago. Paddock is boggy in places, with a stream running through it. The garden isn't bad, though, so we hope for decent veg growing. We plan on keeping ducks, chickens and pigs. We also abandoned the idea of a house cow! I have no idea about the marmite I'm afraid. We got our first chickens at the weekend, and I'm giving them cider vinegar with garlic in their water, and verm x pellets in addition to their layers pellets. We've only had them for a few days so will see how it goes. Bless 'em, they're free ranging in our paddock which is quite wild and windy! They're near a dry stone wall which will hopefully provide enough cover for them. We were concerned about crop impaction, which apparently can be a problem when too much long grass is eaten, but the breeder said not to worry. Anyway, enough about me, it sounds like you're doing great. The advice on this thread has been fantastic, and I wish you lots of luck with your evolving plans!


  • Joined Apr 2015
Re: My 1st smallholding venture
« Reply #63 on: September 13, 2015, 10:33:20 am »

Any eggs yet?

I've been reading all these posts with great interest, as it sounds like we're in a very similar situation to you, and not too far away either (near Colne). We bought a house with 2 acres 3 months ago. Paddock is boggy in places, with a stream running through it. The garden isn't bad, though, so we hope for decent veg growing. We plan on keeping ducks, chickens and pigs. We also abandoned the idea of a house cow! I have no idea about the marmite I'm afraid. We got our first chickens at the weekend, and I'm giving them cider vinegar with garlic in their water, and verm x pellets in addition to their layers pellets. We've only had them for a few days so will see how it goes. Bless 'em, they're free ranging in our paddock which is quite wild and windy! They're near a dry stone wall which will hopefully provide enough cover for them. We were concerned about crop impaction, which apparently can be a problem when too much long grass is eaten, but the breeder said not to worry. Anyway, enough about me, it sounds like you're doing great. The advice on this thread has been fantastic, and I wish you lots of luck with your evolving plans!

we're currently getting 1 egg a day from one of the whitestars...wish the others would follow suite!

Yes, sounds like you are very similar to us...we plan on pigs next spring. Its all fun :-)


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