
Bye, HarveyRSS feed

Posted: Friday 30 April, 2010

by Rosemary at 2:15pm in Poultry Comments closed

After the recent cockfight, Harvey was clearly top cockerel and Hector was confined with a couple of hens, for his own safety.

Fortunately, a friend of ours agreed to rehome Harvey along with my two remaining Light Sussex hens. I took them down last weekend to join the new "scabbies", as Bob calls the ex-batts he's just got. Hopefully, they'll all settle in - Harvey certainly seemed very happy with his new flock.

I was shocked at the appearance of the ex battery hens. I've only seem photos before but some were almost featherless. They seemed very bright and active though, so once their feathers grow in, I'm sure they will be fine. Maybe there should be photos of them on the "value" egg boxes.

It's much quieter here without the two boys competing in the loudest crow contest. Hecctor's limp has gone and he seems none the worse for the fight. It's good to see him strutting his stuff around the field.

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