Soup for All Occasions by New Covent Garden Soup Company
There are so many occasions when soup is just the right dish that New Covent Garden felt compelled to share some more of their secrets in this fourth collection of their recipes. Soup for All Occasions will provide you with novel ways to nourish children, satisfy a huge family gathering or impress dinner guests.
A handful of recipes in this collection stretch the definition of a soup. Some are one-pot meals; others desserts or even breakfasts. But the majority are still what New Covent Garden do best - soups that are perfect for nutricious lunches, family picnics, Christmas parties or informal dinners.
You'll find inspiration here if you're stuck for a romantic idea for Valentine's Day, if you'll be spending the afternoon freezing on a touchline or if Mum's just announced she's coming round to visit.
Whatever the occasion, there's a soup to match: easy to make, good to eat and fun to serve.
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Thursday 9 February, 2012 at 2:17pm
I bough the book shortly after its release and I have to say I am very pleased with most of the recipes. Obviously I haven't tried all of them, but the ones I made turned out delicious. Great book.