
Once Upon A Flock: Life with My Soulful Chickens by Lauren Scheuer

Once Upon A Flock: Life with My Soulful Chickens by Lauren Scheuer

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Chickens might be just what I needed. Chickens would bring my yard back to life. I would get my own flock of wonderful birds, and my family would come skipping out into the sunlight to enjoy them with me.

When Lauren Scheuer decided to raise backyard chickens she never expected the adventures that followed or the extent to which she would fall in love with them. Scheuer s chickens, with their colourfully individual personalities, friendships and rivalries, star in this charming story filled with quirky humour and occasional heartbreak.

We meet all the characters in the flock: Jenny, a chick who is as easy to love as she is to laugh at, Hatsy, an elegant and adventurous leader, and Lil White, a chicken with the respectable comportment of a Southern belle. Documenting the daily adventures of her chicken family, and their subtle interactions with each other, with her own witty photos and illustrations (all in full colour throughout).

Lauren Scheuer comes to realise that love, loss and passion are not only parts of the human experience, but essential parts of chicken life as well. This is a must-have for all animal lovers.

About the author

Lauren Scheuer writes the popular blog Scratch and Peck. She is an acclaimed illustrator, whose work has appeared in books and on puzzles, greetings cards and games.

Book details

256 pages
Souvenir Press Ltd
Publication date
October 2013

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