
Know More Sheep by Jack Byard

Know More Sheep by Jack Byard

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"Know More Sheep" looks at some more well-known breeds and cross-breeds, some minority breeds which were once seen everywhere and a few rare breeds which have to be seen to be believed.

Jack Byard gives a brief description of each sheep's appearance and its place in history. He also explains the status of the breed in the UK and its uses in farming today. These concise and informative texts are accompanied by a full page color photograph.

This postcard-sized paperback is perfect for backpack or pocket. Like its predecessor, it looks set to have appeal for both adults and children.

Book details

96 pages
Old Pond Publishing Ltd
Publication date
April 2009



Tuesday 28 February, 2012 at 11:54pm

Hi Rosemary, I'm glad to find someone on the net who appreciates animals like you do. I live in Shetland and I'm just starting out with a very small park where I will begin with maybe half a dozen sheep. I am not going to breed or slaughter. This is for my own project to take the fleece right through to the knitting stage!! I'm brave eh??? I have just taught myself how to knit lace so the sheep fleece will come in handy. My first 3 sheep are all white and I'm having a lot of trouble finding a moorit (brown) and a black. Wrong time of year I guess. However, I'm going to a sheep sale tomorrow with my sister. We're really just going for a hoot!! I can't buy any sheep yet because the landowner is on holiday and didn't leave the field holding registration number with me. AAAARRRGGGHHH! Just had to do that!!

Anyway, I won't bore you any longer. I hope we can keep in touch. Feel free to browse my blog and follow if you like. it's relatively new and aimed mainly at promoting Shetland and Shetland wool and textiles.

Take good care.

Kindest regards


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