Choosing and Keeping Pigs: A Complete Practical Guide by Linda McDonald-Brown
Pigs make friendly, intelligent pets and clear ground, recycle waste, fertilize the soil and produce wonderful meat. "Choosing and Keeping Pigs" will provide you with all you need to know regarding pig-rearing and care.
This practical, accessible book is the ideal beginner's guide to these great animals, and includes clear instructions on choosing and looking after pigs, and expert advice on housing, fencing, feeding and farrowing.
Choosing and Keeping Pigs also includes a history of pig keeping and a comprehensive directory of 30 traditional and rare breeds. This unique reference provides all the information a pig keeper requires.

Rense Biney
Am a pig keeper will appreciate it much to have a copy
Of the book how to feed house pis

thanks for the educative material i have aproblem when ever i start feeding my piglets from their mother they develop a running stomach and i don't know what should i feed it with to avoid it

Issa Nicholas Santino
I live in South Sudan Central Equatoria State particularly in Yei River County. And i have a (3 Pigs)small farm of pigs and the pigs have produced 18 piglets therefore,may you provides me with the book or soft copy, So that i will be enable to study how to manage the farm especially on the piggery, poultry and fencing/housing systems.Waiting your respond please.
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Thursday 24 April, 2014 at 11:49pm
I live in uganda. And wd like the book, is there a way you cd get me a soft copy, if available. On piggery, poultry and fencing/housing systems.