Bees at the Bottom of the Garden by Alan Campion
Alan Campion uses his own experiences to describe in plain terms how to go about setting up a hive, what to do during the first few years and what to expect from your bees.
Bees at the Bottom of the Garden has been written with three main aims. Firstly to encourage the reader to ‘think bees’ and at least consider carefully how to add to the attractions of his garden by bringing in a colony of bees. Secondly, to offer the reader a ready-made management system when he has swallowed the bait (or nectar) and decided to take up the craft. Finally to showcase the fantastic drawings of bees and beekeeping topics.
‘Beekeeping is a hobby any interested amateur could explore’ – that’s the message of this book which aims to take the mystique out of keeping bees. Alan Campion uses his own experiences to describe in plain terms how to go about setting up a hive, what to do during the first few years and what to expect from your bees. The text is beautifully illustrated with line drawings by Gay Hodgson who is also an enthusiast of small-scale beekeeping.
Alan Campion originally write the book in 1983, in response to a request for a simple, clear and well illustrated guide book for new beekeepers. It has been updated and reissued several time. Alan has been heavily involved with the Lincoln Beekeepers Association for many years.