Pigs links
Sites about pigs.
Pigs sub-categories
Food Chain Information guidance and forms
From 1 January 2008 under new EU farm-to-fork hygiene legislation, pig producers are classified as food producers and with it a whole new tranche of paperwork needs to be filled in every time a batch
https://www.food.gov.uk/business-industry/meat/fciPig Movement Licence AML2
Form AML2 - pig movement licence - at DeFRA
https://www.gov.uk/bpex-online-pig-movementRare Breeds Survival Trust Pig watchlist
Watchlist of rare breed pigs
https://www.rbst.org.uk/Rare-and-Native-Breeds/PigsScottish Pig Keepers' Association
The SPKA was founded in 2011 with the aim of promoting pigs in Scotland at a local level and giving all owners and pig enthusiasts a way of sharing ideas and information.
http://www.scottishpigs.co.uk/Soil Association Guide to Pig Production
Organic pig production aims to produce healthy, good quality food in an ecologically responsible way, for which the farmer gets a fair return.
https://www.soilassociation.org/organic-living/whyorganic/better-for-animals/pigs/The British Pig Association
Founded in 1884, protecting the interests of pigs and pig-keepers in the UK.
http://www.britishpigs.org.uk/The Good Abattoir Guide
This abattoir guide is collated from the views of smallholders across several internet.