We've got a new raised bed area ready to plant up, I've been yearning for a cutting garden/ mini flower farm for ages.
We have plenty of farmyard manure, very well rotted so I don't think we need a multi purpose compost, but at the moment that's the only thing in the beds. It would be really helpful to know what's the right thing to add to that to make the right soil for flowers (dahlias and summer flowering bulbs to begin with).
Thanks very much for any advice/input 
For just a few square meters of bed that are not too deep .
If you have a B&Q close by this years Verve compost is an ideal base to add a few forks of your own composted dung based manures to , to set up the rised bed .
It will hold plenty of moisture & be free draining , be full of the air plants need round their hair roots.
The basic Verve has enough nutrients in it for about six weks growth so you adding a bucket to every bale of Verve compost will be a fantastic growth medium.
The verve will still be decaying after four years or more ( my 36 inch deep beds with it in are now into their fifth year . I've been adding last years spent tomato tubs & last years flower tubs off the drive that were filled with just weed free Verve as toping up stuff to all beds along with my quality home made dung based composts .
This year I got six bales of the Verve compost a month ago, being a cheapskate pensioner went of pensioners day ( Wednesday ?) with my OAP's discount entitlement card and got a 10 % ( ?) discount on the lot which were £6 or so a bag or IIRC , two for £10