We are at 1,000' and grow nearly all types of willow, except some of the really delicate ones.
Thanksfor the great tips. Can you advise which varieties to recommend for firewood logs?
When we got our first cuttings they were from my Dad's collection. He wasn't embarrassed at all to filch cuttings from anywhere and everywhere, including places he shouldn't have done, where the varieties were printed on the tree labels! I can say that now as my Dad is long gone. I brought back 60 different varieties from the farm, all neatly labelled, stuck them in a 'v' slit trench and left them to grow. A couple of years later, Mr F came along to plant them out, didn't notice the labels so they were lost. So, I don't have a clue what they're called. if you can cover postage I could take some 3' cuttings from the sturdiest trees, the ones we use for firewood, then you could increase your stock by taking your own cuttings the following year.
Because willow grows fast, the wood burns quickly, but's great for getting the fire going, and brightening up the flame from harder woods (don't use Lawson Cypress - it burns black)