Author Topic: Hops - what would you do?  (Read 8209 times)


  • Joined Mar 2017
Hops - what would you do?
« on: July 05, 2017, 08:51:41 am »
I've bought a property which has a very vigorous growth of hops at the moment (just leaves no flowers yet) - I have no idea what variety they are.  I'm not much of a beer drinker, but do like home brewing and would happily make up something to give to friends when they come over.

 I wondered what others did with their hops? I've read about using fresh hops instead of dry and the different flavours they produce, but not being a beer drinker, it's all kind of lost of me.  I wondered if any of you grow your own hops.  And if so, do you use them fresh or dry them? 

And if you know of a good recipe for a nice, drinkable beer that most will like (seeing as it's mostly going to friends), I would welcome any pointers, recipes, etc. 

P.S. I have made wine before, from various hedgerow forages, elderflower, dandelions and even grapes, but never beer.


  • Joined Jun 2013
  • South Wales .Carmarthenshire. SA18
Re: Hops - what would you do?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 09:24:32 pm »
When I was 13 ( 50 + yrs ago )

Old Mister Webb  ( 92 yrs old)  used his own home grown " Fuggles "  dried in the bed room in full sun through the window hops to make a dozen or more four gallon brown earthenware flagons of still black beer .

 The property had no running water so I used to get it for him out the river some 50 yards away .

 Any tea we had was always made with well boiled water .... one very hot August afternoon in th school holidays  I'd been helping him cut back & lay a thick hawthorn hedge .

As we'd worked so hard & he was also very thirsty he gave me a two pound jam jar of his black beer to quench my thirst . That done I curled up on some old sacking & nodded off .
  Next thing I knew was my father calling my name , Mr Webb was snoring his head off on his rocking chair ..........It was half past nine at night .  My old man played merry hell with me for he'd been cycling around the area for well over three hours looking for me  .  He chased me all the way home on his bike & me on foot some three miles by road , I was sent to bed with out any tea or drink .

 Years later I was talking with dad & he smiled as he recalled things ... he was chuffed to heck that I could run so far so fast . As an 18 to 30 year old  I ended up doing long distance running as my sport  .
 Good stuff can be made from dried hops especially " Fuggles Hops "
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 08:23:47 pm by cloddopper »
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  • Joined Mar 2017
Re: Hops - what would you do?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2017, 08:28:32 pm »
Ha ha!  :roflanim: This is exactly what I should do with any hops I get!


  • Joined Mar 2010
  • Herts
    • Brixton's Bounty
Re: Hops - what would you do?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2017, 08:21:27 am »
Hops provide bitterness and aroma. You will need to do a trial brew or two to dial in the bitterness (alpha acids) which is the main stumbling block. Whether they have good aroma is all part of the adventure.

You can brew very easily from extract, and slightly more involved (but very rewarding) from 'all grain' malt. Lots online if you search for things like AG brewing, BIAB etc. Here's how I brew AG: beer.

Pick the hops at the absolute peak of flowering perfection and aroma. You can use them fresh or dried I think.
[/size]I would brew a SMASH (single malt and single hop) recipe or a simple bitter. Make sure you post here about it :) :thumbsup:
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