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Author Topic: Starting with Geese Advise  (Read 2608 times)


  • Joined Jul 2015
Starting with Geese Advise
« on: May 10, 2017, 10:33:09 am »
I am looking into getting some geese as we will shortly have an acre of grass (and I think it is unfortunately sensible to wait to get pigs just yet). So I am looking for pro's and cons of geese, any advise on starting out from people who already have them. We would also like to get some chickens too at some stage from what I have researched, chickens and geese are fine to run together, they will essentially be "free range". I was thinking of two separate sheds though.
What are the best breeds to start out with? I am looking for geese that are reasonably friendly and hardy and mainly for eggs, keeping the grass down and enjoying them pottering around.  I quite like the sound of West of England's but I am open to suggestions.
Also where do people recommend getting geese from, I don't want to start with them still under heat for our first ones. Any advise is welcome.  :)


  • Joined Feb 2017
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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2017, 02:50:36 pm »
Definately have separate houses for the chickens and geese. Geese are very aggressive and total bullies, the hens will keep out of their way outside! Geese only lay in the spring so egg supply will be limited to those months. Are you hoping to breed them? If you are you should think about what your market is. Will people be buying them to eat or more ornamental/pets? I'd go for an Embden. An acre will support quite a lot of geese. I have 5 geese, 4 goats and 15 ducks on half that and the grass is growing faster then they can eat it. Geese bond and a gander will have 1 wife and sometimes a second, so best to buy them in trios. They need fresh water, if you don't have a pond a paddling pond will surfice, but it will need to be filled fresh every day. Try to keep one breed of them as they might bond with a different breeds and cross bred geese are worth a lot less than pure bred. Good luck with them - their amazing birds :)

If you have water what about ducks?


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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2017, 05:14:22 pm »
Agree with what BJ said. I'd only add that I wouldn't mix chickens and geese. My cockerel and gander fight through fence and when an 8 week old chick got through the fence to them the geese happily killed it. They have also attacked a chicken that has no respect for fences but thankfully she got away.

I do really like my geese but I don't trust them, especially not in breeding season, a gander can be very aggressive, but as long as you approach the situation right they are easy to manage.

If you're wanting to plant any trees you will need to protect them from the geese, the bark will get stripped.  We have a touloue gander and 2 geese and an embden goose. The embden isn't as intergrated into the flock as the others, the girls don't like her much but the gander protects her and breaks up fights pretty swiftly. The eggs are awesome and we get 180-190g ones from the toulouse, 140-150g from the embden.

As to where to get them, our toulouse were abandoned by a neighbour at a year old and we got the embden from a local smallholder at about 10 weeks old.

9 sheep, 24 chickens, 3 cats, a toddler and a baby on the way


  • Joined Aug 2009
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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2017, 05:18:22 pm »
My geese live very happily with the ducks and the chickens, in fact the geese protect the female ducks from over amorous drakes. Mine are Franconian's though which I got because they aren't aggressive.
Our holding has Anglo Nubian and British Toggenburg goats, Gotland sheep, Franconian Geese, Blue Swedish ducks, a whole load of mongrel hens and two semi-feral children.


  • Joined Sep 2011
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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2017, 07:10:10 pm »
My gander killed one of my call ducks, i nearly killed him (swung a big lump of wood). I did eventually! They would catch a duck and tear the feathers from its back.
And hopeless when they go broody, constantly having to wander round with a torch. Tonight I'll set a nest in the Hut and hope she decides it's good


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2017, 08:00:42 pm »
I'm a beginner with geese.  We bought a pair of rare breed Shetland geese last year, from a specialist breeder, and they've just presented us with 9 goslings. The goose hatched and reared them without trouble, and so far all is well.
However, the gander does like a good hiss and will come at you with flapping wings.  I just fllap and hiss back and off he goes.  He did once erupt from the shed just about into my face, and proceeded to peck my knee and swing off my trouser leg  ::) .  Because of that, I wouldn't want geese around children, as they could do serious damage with beak and wings.  Definitely choose a calm gentle breed (no idea what that would be).
My dogs are terrified of the geese, but the hens are absolutely fine (they were there first)
Having said all that, I love having my geese.
See my thread 'goslings' for some pics.
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  • Joined Feb 2017
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Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2017, 10:51:01 pm »
I have geese but only until they stop laying and then its freezer time.

Good points
The eggs are delicious,they keep the grass down and they are good alarms if anything or anyone strange is around.They taste good at xmas.

Bad points
Laying is only for a short period so your feeing for no reason
They attack anything that moves,My wife,my cats,dogs,chickens etc,they eat loads,crap even more.

These are my opinions but others have theirs.
5 Dogs,5 cats,40 chickens,2badger faced sheep + a full freezer


  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Aberdeenshire
Re: Starting with Geese Advise
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2017, 11:01:48 pm »
Because of that, I wouldn't want geese around children, as they could do serious damage with beak and wings.  Definitely choose a calm gentle breed (no idea what that would be).

That's why I have the Franconians. Even when the girl was sitting, the gander would only hiss a bit then run away.
Our holding has Anglo Nubian and British Toggenburg goats, Gotland sheep, Franconian Geese, Blue Swedish ducks, a whole load of mongrel hens and two semi-feral children.


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