She may or may not come back up in the spring, although the volume she was giving in autumn makes me think that she is more likely to dry off or her amounts in her second year milking are not enough to make milking worthwhile. I would have also expected a Toggenburg (either a pure Togg or a British Togg) to milk more than that tbh.
So if she is in good enough condition I would try and put her in kid asap, but you may well have missed it for this season. I still had a kid in full blown season for two days (it seemed like an eternity) over New Year, so unless she has problems she should still be coming in a couple of times more in Jan/Feb. Not possible to judge in advance.
I would suggest you join the "goaty friends" Facebook page to maybe have more of a chance to locate a billy near to you, probably not that many goatkeepers on Skye on TAS... I know a breeder on the Western Isles, which may just be closer to you than for anyone else in Scotland..., get back to me and I pass on details if you want to discuss. I guess breed is not that important?