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Author Topic: Dairy goats- milk or not?  (Read 2313 times)


  • Joined Feb 2017
  • High Peak
Dairy goats- milk or not?
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:54:15 pm »
Hi again to all goat experts. I am still researching the possibility of adding 2-3 goats to our definite plan to have some lambs and a couple of weaners. (By the way, they will all have separate ground so no worries about mixing sheep with goats re parasites etc). I feel that this is rather a stupid question so please bear with me! The goats would initially be pets and we don't intend eating them. But my 2 favourite breeds the Golden Guernsey and the Anglo Nubian are dairy breeds. So, is there a way to avoid them producing milk until and if such time we may decide to go down that route? I had assumed that if they did not kid then they would not milk but I read something on this forum that seemed to suggest otherwise? I know that I could go for males but assume there are problems with aggression down that route? Any advice appreciated


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Dairy goats- milk or not?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 02:51:09 pm »
Castrated male kids - no milk, no agression, no smell (and no issues with them trying to find girls either - usually) and produce quality meat. Once you are ready to milk, get females then.

Look into horned vs disbudded, and then stick with whatever your choice.

GG's - laid back, easy to handle, nice milk but only "household" quantities.

AN's - somewhat less laid back, not quite as easy to handle, but super quality milk (high butterfats) and more than GG's usually. But easier to get hold of than GG's.


  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Aberdeenshire
Re: Dairy goats- milk or not?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 06:44:17 pm »
You might get a maiden milker but they are not that common so you could easily have some without needing to deal with milking.

Anglo Nubian's are totally gorgeous with very different personalities to other goats I have had (British Saanen and British Toggenburg).
Our holding has Anglo Nubian and British Toggenburg goats, Gotland sheep, Franconian Geese, Blue Swedish ducks, a whole load of mongrel hens and two semi-feral children.


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