Hi folks,
I'm sorry to upload gratuitous t1t pictures to the internet, but let's face it, I'm not the first!

I'll phone the vet in the morning, but in the meantime, what do you reckon to this?

I'm not sure if this is just over-hungry lambs who've caused damage with their teeth, or something worse. The whole teat feels quite stiff, but I can still get normal looking milk out. Her other teat looks similar but not nearly as bad.
She's got three lambs in tow at the moment, and two have been taking top-ups. Should we take one or more off her to give her an easier time, or would that be counter-productive? Also what treatment would you recommend? She's had blue spray and sudocreme tonight. Anything else we should try?
Also this one is on another ewe, and I wonder if it's the same thing but just caught earlier. There are definite hard pustules just under the skin. I should say that none of the lambs are showing any signs of orf that I can see. Again, any ideas what this is, and what we should do about it?

Thanks folks!