Hi Rosemary,
We have 4 Shetlands in total including newbie calf. I'm a member of SCBA so as you say I will get some leaflets from them when the time comes. I've never done any showing before so it's all a bit scary. Do you have any advice?
Get the cow as well trained as possible but the Limmys will always be wilder than yours. Don't go expecting to win or even place - I've had judges (in my very limited experience) that hadn't heard of Shetland cattle!!!!. Try and make a nice interesting stand - lots of folk will be interested to see the cattle and learn about them. Wash them the day before but be prepared to wash on show day too as mine at least always s**t on themselves on the way to the show or on the side of the trailer then rub in it. Take spare trousers as it's easy to get covered in s**t when unloading shitty cattle.
You can get grass stain removed for horses that also works for cattle. I did sandpaper Annie's horns but you have to do it regularly for full effect; rub with baby or pig oil to make them shiny. I tried backcombing her tail like the "proper" exhibitors, but couldn't manage it properly. Pig oil on the black bts makes them nice and shiny.
Enjoy it - your cattle are far more interesting than all the others.