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Author Topic: hello from south lanarkshire  (Read 4898 times)


  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Lanark,South Lanarkshire
hello from south lanarkshire
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:33:05 pm »

My wife,young daughter and I have recently moved from living in a highly populated urban area to Lanark (not far from the market) with all its beautiful countryside.

We have been here a few months and although our house is not exactly rural we find that we are spending much more time together as a family,out walking and just getting the chance to appreciate some beautiful surroundings. Our work life balance has improved greatly,especially mine as I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home dad and my daughter has now started school  :excited:

I work part time (usually weekends) and want to start making the most of the free time I have when my daughter is at school.

After some googling I stumbled across this site and became inspired to actually try something rather than just talk about it.

Our garden is quite small and with a 5 year old and a bouncing puppy it is not really practical to try growing too much, I will build a couple of raised beds and see how I do but to be honest it is the idea of having live stock that excites me (not in a weird way though  :love: ) I had hoped for a couple of hens but a quick chat about this with the bordering neighbours didn't go too well and I don't want to rock the boat just yet.

I would love to be able to rent enough land for us to have a couple of sheep,i would be great for my daughter and I to have the chance to be so close to animals and at some stage maybe even lambs. The issue is I have zero experience and as much as I want to just jump in head first I am very aware that an animals life would be in my hands and I have to respect that.

I was hoping to go on a small course about keeping sheep but the date clashes with when my wife and I are expecting our own little lamb to be born and she would kill me if she was stuck in hospital and I was out having fun.

Anyway, I was wondering if there is perhaps anyone reasonably local to me who may need the occasional volunteer to help them out? Ideally with the animals but even just any aspect of what it is actually like to be responsible for land and livestock. Or even if there is anyone who has a bit of extra land and thinking of sheep,I could perhaps help out with some of the costs and the work n exchange for some experience?

I am fit and healthy and work outdoors so I am used to getting rained on but as I said earlier I have literally no experience when it comes to anything practical!

Sorry for the HUGE first post and thank you all if you took the time to read it!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 11:19:22 pm by Tufty »


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 09:37:51 am »
Hello and welcome from  :sunshine: Carnoustie  :wave:

A few Lanark area peeps on here so hopefully someone will need you  :)

And the Scottish Smallholder and Grower Festival is at Lanark Agricultural Centre on Saturday 24th September  :thumbsup:


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Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 09:50:05 am »
Hello from me in Lesmahagow  :wave:


  • Joined Sep 2011
  • West Yorks
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 10:20:19 am »
Welcome from W. Yorkshire
Glad you are enjoying your new life  :thumbsup:
What are the issues with hens?
If you get 2-3 females there will be very little noise, more a soft crooning than crowing, and if kept in a run and clean there should be no trouble with vermin?
Hope you find someone near enough to visit.


  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2016, 10:21:12 am »
Welcome to the slippery slope!

Are you within striking distance of Palacerigg
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined May 2010
  • South Lanarkshire
    • ScotHebs
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 12:41:18 pm »
Hi There  :wave:  We are about 11 miles from you - can you pm me please?  Take a look at our website, link below.

As an aside, keep your wife well away from lambing ewes while she's in lamb herself - she mustn't even come into contact with clothes which have been worn around birthing ewes.
"Let's not talk about what we can do, but do what we can"

There is NO planet B - what are YOU doing to save our home?

Do something today that your future self will thank you for - plant a tree

 Love your soil - it's the lifeblood of your land.


  • Joined Aug 2014
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2016, 04:14:28 pm »
And hello and welcome from down here in Devon!


  • Joined Apr 2014
  • Mid Wales
  • Owner of 61 Mediterranean water buffaloes
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2016, 06:28:57 pm »
Hello from Mid wales and welcome to the forum :wave:  It all sounds very exciting for you all, I remember when my own parents started to farm ( although I was only 2 at the time) :D One word of advice if you want to do work experience for farmers be careful that they don't get you working from dawn until dusk, a brother of mine found that out the hard way. Do you have any really friendly farming neighbors that live around where you are? Or even fellow smallholders? If so you could ask them for a few hours of work experience in all aspects of farming. There are also a lot of smallholders books for newbies which are extremely helpful. I found that going to sheep sales and rare breed sales could be a good way of finding out how a lot of breeders keep their animals; There are quite a few animal breeders out there which are only too helpful to share their experiences with you, maybe also try and arrange to see them on their farms/smallholdings to walk around meet the animals and talk ( that way you also find out about breeds which you might really like to keep). I am pretty sure that there are a few smallholders on here who live near your area? I would leave out lambing experience though until after your wife has had the baby, because there is a severe risk of abortion in women if they come into contact with newborn lambs: I think it is because the ewes carry a certain bacteria in the fluid from their womb, which is very dangerous to an unborn human beings health, when my mum was pregnant with my younger brother she couldn't go near the ewes or any clothing contaminated with birthing fluid. It all sounds absolutely brilliant, if any of us can help out with any questions you have then please feel free to ask. All the best with everything and the new baby, congratulations to you both! Could you keep us updated on how you get on with your new smallholding adventures?
the most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, loving concern.


  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Lanark,South Lanarkshire
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 09:29:36 pm »
Wow! What a lovely positive bunch of people you all are,really appreciate the friendly welcome and all the advice given  :thumbsup:

Hello and welcome from  :sunshine: Carnoustie  :wave:

A few Lanark area peeps on here so hopefully someone will need you  :)

And the Scottish Smallholder and Grower Festival is at Lanark Agricultural Centre on Saturday 24th September  :thumbsup:

Hi Rosemary, that sounds like a brilliant day out,I am only a stone throw away so I will definitely go,thanks for the heads up.

Hello from me in Lesmahagow  :wave:

Brilliant name! We almost moved to Lesmahagow but my wife works at the high school there and wisely decided to put some distance between her and the pupils! Nice place though. I think I may have looked at your website in the past,looks a great set up you have.

Welcome from W. Yorkshire
Glad you are enjoying your new life  :thumbsup:
What are the issues with hens?
If you get 2-3 females there will be very little noise, more a soft crooning than crowing, and if kept in a run and clean there should be no trouble with vermin?
Hope you find someone near enough to visit.

I was surprised they had an issue with the hens but the way our back garden is set up is very strange,we walk over some communal land to access it so it is surrounded by their homes and gardens and I think they were just a little apprehensive because they would be so close to them. Your post has inspired me though and I will approach it again in the near future as I think the neighbours are currently still shell shocked at the arrival of a noisy 5 year old :innocent:

Hi There  :wave:  We are about 11 miles from you - can you pm me please?  Take a look at our website, link below.

As an aside, keep your wife well away from lambing ewes while she's in lamb herself - she mustn't even come into contact with clothes which have been worn around birthing ewes.

Hello,I just checked out your website,it is incredibly informative and it sounds like you guys have a wonderful attitude to nature and life n general,I loved some of the pictures too,it must be great waking up there every day? I will send you a wee pm shortly (if I can work out how to do it  :fc: ) Thank you for the heads up about keeping away during pregnancy,if I am honest that hadn't even crossed my mind so I really appreciated it.

Hello from Mid wales and welcome to the forum :wave:  It all sounds very exciting for you all, I remember when my own parents started to farm ( although I was only 2 at the time) :D One word of advice if you want to do work experience for farmers be careful that they don't get you working from dawn until dusk, a brother of mine found that out the hard way. Do you have any really friendly farming neighbors that live around where you are? Or even fellow smallholders? If so you could ask them for a few hours of work experience in all aspects of farming. There are also a lot of smallholders books for newbies which are extremely helpful. I found that going to sheep sales and rare breed sales could be a good way of finding out how a lot of breeders keep their animals; There are quite a few animal breeders out there which are only too helpful to share their experiences with you, maybe also try and arrange to see them on their farms/smallholdings to walk around meet the animals and talk ( that way you also find out about breeds which you might really like to keep). I am pretty sure that there are a few smallholders on here who live near your area? I would leave out lambing experience though until after your wife has had the baby, because there is a severe risk of abortion in women if they come into contact with newborn lambs: I think it is because the ewes carry a certain bacteria in the fluid from their womb, which is very dangerous to an unborn human beings health, when my mum was pregnant with my younger brother she couldn't go near the ewes or any clothing contaminated with birthing fluid. It all sounds absolutely brilliant, if any of us can help out with any questions you have then please feel free to ask. All the best with everything and the new baby, congratulations to you both! Could you keep us updated on how you get on with your new smallholding adventures?

Thanks for taking the time to write such a lengthy reply and also for the info regarding pregnancy,I am very glad I came across the forum now.

That s a very good idea about visiting the markets,I stay so close that I will definitely make a point of it,although I have a habit of getting carried away so hopefully I can contain myself and not end up jumping the gun and buying :innocent:

Sorry for all the quotes and once again a huge post,I promise I will trim them down from now on!

The enthusiasm you all have is really infectious and I can't wait to read back the forums and get a little more clued up on everything.

Thanks again :)


  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Lanark,South Lanarkshire
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 09:32:03 pm »
Welcome to the slippery slope!

Are you within striking distance of Palacerigg?

Hello,I had never actually heard of palacerigg before but thanks for the link. A visit there is definitely on the to do list now :thumbsup:


  • Joined May 2015
    • Netherton Smallholding
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2016, 10:25:20 pm »
Hi Tufty and welcome to the forum!
So much of what you have said is where my wife and I were 3/4 years ago living in a flat in Glasgow's west end. Now with goats, ducks, dogs, sheep, chickens, pigs, a daughter and another due at Easter we have gradually built up our smallholding. We're not quite there in terms of self sufficiency but its the perfect lifestyle for our family and very rewarding.
Since the age of 1 our daughter has woke up and the first thing she does is put her wellies on over her onesie to go visit the animals. Its amazing how from such a young age they grow into this way of life.

We're at Harthill which isn't too far from Lanark and you'd be more than welcome to come over for a coffee and a wander round. Our sheep are due to start lambing in the next few weeks (my pregnant wife staying well clear of course).  Feel free to get in touch. You can have a look at our blog (link below) although we've not been great at updating it.



  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Lanark,South Lanarkshire
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2016, 10:40:18 pm »
Hi Tufty and welcome to the forum!
So much of what you have said is where my wife and I were 3/4 years ago living in a flat in Glasgow's west end. Now with goats, ducks, dogs, sheep, chickens, pigs, a daughter and another due at Easter we have gradually built up our smallholding. We're not quite there in terms of self sufficiency but its the perfect lifestyle for our family and very rewarding.
Since the age of 1 our daughter has woke up and the first thing she does is put her wellies on over her onesie to go visit the animals. Its amazing how from such a young age they grow into this way of life.

We're at Harthill which isn't too far from Lanark and you'd be more than welcome to come over for a coffee and a wander round. Our sheep are due to start lambing in the next few weeks (my pregnant wife staying well clear of course).  Feel free to get in touch. You can have a look at our blog (link below) although we've not been great at updating it.


Hi David,

Thank you so much for your post,i had a look at your blog and it is incredible what you have achieved in such a short space of time.
What you said about your daughter is exactly the sort of thing I hope we can create.

If you really don't mind then I would be delighted to visit,I am especially keen to see the sheep and chickens.
Judging by your blog you keep very very busy,I read about your PhD too,a smart cookie! Is your farm a full time job for you or do you juggle all this with work on top? If you ever have a spare half hour,perhaps even when the evenings are a bit brighter then please just let me know and I will jump at the chance.

I saw your recipe for flapjacks,sound tremendous,I will be giving them a go on Sunday!

Thanks again everyone for being so welcoming  :hug:


  • Joined May 2015
    • Netherton Smallholding
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 02:14:46 pm »
Hi David,

Thank you so much for your post,i had a look at your blog and it is incredible what you have achieved in such a short space of time.
What you said about your daughter is exactly the sort of thing I hope we can create.

If you really don't mind then I would be delighted to visit,I am especially keen to see the sheep and chickens.
Judging by your blog you keep very very busy,I read about your PhD too,a smart cookie! Is your farm a full time job for you or do you juggle all this with work on top? If you ever have a spare half hour,perhaps even when the evenings are a bit brighter then please just let me know and I will jump at the chance.

I saw your recipe for flapjacks,sound tremendous,I will be giving them a go on Sunday!

Thanks again everyone for being so welcoming  :hug:
Hi Tufty,
We just work on things in the evenings and weekends really, my PhD is full time, but I'll hopefully finish it off soon!
Yes just drop me a message any time you want to pop over!

Good luck with the flapjacks! My wife does all the baking in this house, all my jobs are outside:-)


  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Lanark,South Lanarkshire
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2016, 06:17:35 pm »
Thanks again David.

Peninehillbilly I got carried away and bought a chicken coop! Oops! No hens yet as I plan to sweet talk the neighbours first and get the garden a bit more useable but we are all very excited!


  • Joined May 2016
  • South lanarkshire
Re: hello from south lanarkshire
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2016, 03:38:59 pm »
Hello  :wave:
I am in eastkilbride and am looking for help with my pygmys! They are great with children and my 3 year old little cousin just adores them. She is my wee farm helper! I am currently jumping between 2 farms (my horse is at a different farm) as I don't own any land have always just scrounged land haha. Was looking to move them to a set up like yourselfs but don't want to sell them would need to allowed to come visit (help out) but unfortunately there's not very like minded people around here :(. Drop me a wee message if any of this sounds interesting to you  :)


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