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Author Topic: Feeding Hebridean ewes in the run up to lambing  (Read 3604 times)


  • Joined Aug 2011
  • Cheshire
Feeding Hebridean ewes in the run up to lambing
« on: February 07, 2016, 12:01:49 pm »
Hi, Its about eight weeks until I start lambing my Hebs.  I'm interested in what feeding plans people are using.  In the past its been a bit adhoc - so I thought I would get organised this year.  Reading up the advise seems to be start at 0.1 kg each at 8 weeks and then increase it by 0.1 kg every two weeks up to 0.5 kg the week before lambing.

But 0.5 kg - seems like a lot a day for a Hebridean.  Having said that the ground is very wet and there is little grazing, although they do have access to hay.

I'm interested to hear what the other Heb breeders are doing.


  • Joined May 2010
  • South Lanarkshire
    • ScotHebs
Re: Feeding Hebridean ewes in the run up to lambing
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 01:31:35 pm »
You don't mention where you are, because that makes a difference, or how old your ewes are.  What are you using as hard feed?  Hebs don't need an 18% protein mix - 16% is fine.

In theory we start building up feeding towards lambing from mid Feb, as we start lambing Apr 1st, so 6 weeks. In practise we sometimes feed a little earlier than that when snow is lying or the ground is frozen. Once that happens the nutrition in grass is lost, so even if there's anything left for them to nibble, there's no nutritional value there.  Hebs will scrape down  to ground level through snow, but it's really just something to do.
 We are fairly high in the south of Scotland on a particularly windy hilltop, but now our hedges have grown and thickened we are a little less exposed. Our Hebs also have field shelters - part of being a hardy, self reliant breed is finding and appreciating shelter.

I can't be much help with actual weights fed as we work more empirically, in accord with how well the sheep do with however much we give them, and how much they eat quickly.  We keep an eye on their condition score and how content they are.   We feed nothing like as much as a commercial breed would need, and as said above, a lower protein content is more appropriate for Hebs.  We use 'Champion tup mix' which is a general feed (not nuts) for all sheep, not too high in protein and suitable for all ages, tups as well as ewes (the tups hardly get any, just to entice them in at the gather).

So I would estimate that at about 6 weeks before lambing is due to start we give about a small handful to each ewe, then gradually work up to 4 or 5 ounces, later on they get this twice a day, so half a lb, not half a kilo.  We carry on after lambing too to help with milk production, until the spring grass is through.

Further south, on lush grass with a low stocking rate and young ewes, you would get away without extra feed, as long as you watch their condition score carefully.  In a harsher area you might need to feed more than that.
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  • Joined Mar 2011
  • North Yorkshire
Re: Feeding Hebridean ewes in the run up to lambing
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 08:46:30 pm »
We keep hebs too and are in North Yorkshire ... The weather has been so horrible and the girls even though they have access to plenty of grazing are choosing to spend more time in the woods for shelter so list of fresh hay which has helped keep their condition, and high quality mineral licks right next to their water which they love. 4 weeks to go so have started to feed nuts as the weather is pants! Just keeping an eye on those more heavily pregnant to make sure they are also getting plenty of feed.


  • Joined Aug 2014
Re: Feeding Hebridean ewes in the run up to lambing
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2016, 10:46:43 am »
Im also North yorks, and tend to achieve between 150-170% lambing without any additional feed bar hay when their is snow on the ground. Otherwise they stay at grass and thats it!


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