How is his recall? Our rescue Lab i s great, then, all of a sudden, when you get near the car, he goes off, he stays near but just out of reach, last time he did that I started the car up and he ran up to my open window so my OH got him!!!! I am 99.9% sure it's the car as I do not t think he wants to go off as suck, just stay out a bit longer...he gets that look on his face first
It made me wonder if other dogs, particularly pre owned dogs, have similar traits? I have an idea to stop him, take him out in the car and keep him on th e lead while th e others are off, then bring him home and take him on a walk where he is off the lead!! a bit time c consuming but I think worth a try as he ran across a busy road last time too and just will not listen to our calls!!!!