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Author Topic: Rat proofing quail hutch  (Read 6967 times)


  • Joined Sep 2015
Rat proofing quail hutch
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:48:36 pm »
Hello, we are due to be buying our first lot of quail soon and are trying to think of ways to rat proof it. We intend to put the hutch on concrete slabs and put mesh around the pen. However, as it's on the floor would the rats just chew through the mesh on the side of the cage?

Also, I'm reading alot of negatives about keeping quail which is making me think twice. We have an area about 2mx1.5 meters to keep the birds in and I just don't think that's big enough for chickens, even bantams, so I really got into the idea of quails. Anyone able to provide some encouragement?  :) 


  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Ayrshire
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2015, 12:30:47 pm »
I keep a couple of hundred.

Keep them clean, dry and draughtfree and they're easy! ;)

Have a look here.


  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2015, 01:38:11 pm »
I can't think of any negative, tbh, they're no more or less work than any other bird. What are you concerned about?

Best advice I can give is to think it all through from the beginning (just like you're doing now  :) ) and not skimping on materials.

You'll need 1/2inch mesh of the very strong type (which doesn't come cheap), a variety of drinkers and feeders depending on what age the birds will be when you get them and how many birds and how the drinkers fit into the run (they'll dust bathe in bowls), and strong clear plastic to keep them dry but not boiling in the sun. Removable plastic covers don't work as you won't always be there to stop the bedding from getting wet or the birds from cooking under plastic (it gets very warm very quickly under plastic - it's like being in a car in the sun). Mine are always in the shade and dry so I don't need to (un)cover them.

The eggs are lovely and most of my quail are quite tame, some very much so. Obviously there have to be some nutty ones :D I keep them on wood shavings.


  • Joined Sep 2015
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2015, 05:14:45 pm »
I was all geared up then read a few comments on here about them attacking eachother and escaping. That made me slightly concerned.

So the pen already has large plastic covered mesh on the outside and will have the small wire mesh on the inside. The bottom will be on paving slabs. Will that be enough to fox and rat proof it?

They have a hutch they can go into and it's under an evergreen tree against a fence. So they will be protected from draught and quite a bit of wet (totally if they go in the hutch).

In the winter they will be inside the lean too. However, I was going to let them just run around it but I'm scared if I open the door they will evacuate lol. So was thinking maybe get a pen for them inside the lean too??


  • Joined Sep 2015
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2015, 05:33:19 pm »
Actually clansman that was the thread I was reading that started to concern me a bit :s


  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2015, 10:54:40 pm »
Mine would definitely fly off given half a chance in their first few months, we had to climb a neighbour's roof rescue one once!  They now seem to think of their enclosure as their home and no longer keen to explore the big wide world.

One boy per at least four girls is less likely to cause trouble but the more girls the better, plus the hutch would need separate compartments in case some of the quail bully the others and don't let them shelter inside. I've had girl only groups but then a girl takes on the alpha role including beating up other girls. They do really injure each other badly!

If your run is on slabs chances are the bedding won't dry out well or at all in wet weather, and as quail are ground dwellers, not perchers, it'd really be better to keep the bedding dry. Easily solved by getting a wooden pallet from an industrial estate and covering that with rat proof mesh.

I really like my quail. Would you be hatching or buying in youngsters? The younger they are the easier to get them used to humans.  :)


  • Joined Sep 2015
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2015, 08:27:14 am »
I'd be getting youngsters that are about 6 weeks old.

They have a hutch which would have Beeding in, this has a roof on it so should remain dry (other than their mess that will obviously be cleaned :). The run piece would be on slabs. Would that be OK? I have plenty of branches to stick in there for them.

I guess if I had one hutch if they start beating eachother up it isn't ideal but I've just got a second little coup that I was planning to use for winter that could go in there.

When they get into their "packs" is that it? I take it you have to separate for life then.?


  • Joined May 2013
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2015, 11:23:14 am »
My quails were lovely. No negative memories. Go for it.


  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Ayrshire
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2015, 12:29:26 pm »
What were the things that were worrying you about keeping them?


  • Joined Sep 2015
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2015, 12:44:22 pm »
There were just a couple of people talking about doing it once and not again because of various reasons (too loud, smelly, aggressive, trying to escape etc.)

I have heard them and to me they weren't loud like chickens can be. I guess I already knew they would smell more due to higher ammonia.

 It's more just trying to ensure they don't get eaten by rats or kill eachother or escape ;)


  • Joined Jul 2013
  • Ayrshire
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2015, 01:59:06 pm »
I clean mine out once a week, fresh sawdust or shavings are needed otherwise dirt balls will build up on their feet and your eggs will be dirty.

The more you have in the one area the more cleaning out they will need but they are no worse than any other birds.

Cocks will crow in the breeding season or all year long if using extra lighting and its quite noisy but nowhere near a chicken cockerel crowing, or turkey stags.

my neighbours thought it was just wild birds making the noise for a long while.


  • Joined Jul 2014
  • Jersey - for now :)
Re: Rat proofing quail hutch
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2015, 08:19:10 pm »
In the winter they will be inside the lean too. However, I was going to let them just run around it but I'm scared if I open the door they will evacuate lol. So was thinking maybe get a pen for them inside the lean too??

The other option might be to build a double door like you get in aviaries for the lean to


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