Just to let everyone know, the course ran successfully and I would recommend it to anyone interested in learning (either from scratch) or as a refresher course.
There were 8 of us on the course, and we had a detailed theory lesson on the Friday night. TOwards the end of the evening we went to the lambing shed to have a look around, and stumbled across a ewe having difficulties. Our lecturer stepped in and calmly demonstrated what to do, and before too long had assisted in her lambing.
Saturday was full on practical, starting with checking on the lamb from the previous night, before moving on to tasks such as docking, castrating, tubing, iodine for belly buttons and fostering. We all had a turn at these tasks and no one missed out.
There were three more lambs born that day, a single and a twin, and we all had a go at 'feeling about inside' to check on any more.
I am sure I have missed something here, but I thought I would just add to this thread so that if anyone stumbles across these posts in the future, they can be encouraged to know that I thought it was a very good course.
Richard Morris.