hey im certainly no sheep expert but i would say a couple of things regarding ryelands that weve observed since having them from 2006. They can lamb on their own but weve found at least half needed assistance, also and especially with first time lambers they can be very aggresive towards the new lamb and can take some hours before bonding with it all you can do is keep an eye on mum so the lamb doesnt get injured but they will bond. Entropion, we first came across this last season when we had 2 lambs with it, check eyelids very carefully usually bottom lid if its turned in so eyelash is rubbing on eyeball very carefully pull it out so it sits correctly. if rectified straight away its usually cured but if you miss it it will cause severe irritation to eye discharge from corner of eye and lamb appears to be crying is a sign that youve missed it. If you get a lot of entropion it is recommended to change your ram................enjoy