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Author Topic: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........  (Read 5567 times)


  • Joined Jun 2015
Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« on: August 02, 2015, 02:39:51 pm »
I've just been to Tesco's.  Not my favourite occupation at any time, but needs must sometimes.  Has anyone noticed that people walk round Tesco's (other large supermarkets are also available) with particularly blank looks and expressionless faces?  When they nearly collide, they don't look at each other, make eye contact, smile, say 'sorry' or anything! They wander about in front of you without realising that you're trying to get by, they step backwards into you, or out in front of you and don't seem to realise you're there.  I'm not just talking about the ones on their phones, either!  Have we had a plague of zombies that I've somehow missed, or is Tesco's broadcasting some sort of mind-numbing signal that I'm immune to?   :o :o


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2015, 04:34:43 pm »
It's the Tesco Zombie effect.

Have you noticed that you vanish into a black hole when you go in through the doors, and you've lost an hour and a half of your life when you eventually emerge, bruised and traumatised, with no recollection of what they did to you during that time.  That must be how they extract all that personal info about you  :o   Their tentacles reach further than the front entrance too, as you get drawn in every now and then from as far away as home...... :tired:
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2015, 04:42:48 pm »
THP, I think the problem is that most of them are like you in that it isn't their favourite occupation either. So they just blank it out, hence the zombie appearance.
I, on the otherhand, walk around with a big smile on my face and am conscious of everyone. I love shopping, no matter what for.
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Nov 2013
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2015, 04:46:20 pm »
Oh yes.  They seem bemused that their profits are falling but have spent several decades making no effort whatsoever to make it a pleasurable experience.  Like the dents in the car doors because the spaces are too narrow and the warning signs you will be fined if you use a wide one because you don't happen to have a child small enough to strap in a seat. I find I am more and more shopping like my grandmother, going to the butchers, the bakers ok not the candlestick makers but you get my drift.

Also watch the look in people's eyes when they admire our pigs and when they get to " ooh no not bacon.."but I love bacon.... " I guess they do live better lives than......  Yup they stop going to Tescos too.


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2015, 11:21:08 pm »
THP, I think the problem is that most of them are like you in that it isn't their favourite occupation either. So they just blank it out, hence the zombie appearance.
I, on the otherhand, walk around with a big smile on my face and am conscious of everyone. I love shopping, no matter what for.

Oh no Bionic  :o :o  I even get Mr F to buy my underwear for me.  Shopping is only second to cleaning the toilet in my list of things I hate to do  :roflanim:
"Let's not talk about what we can do, but do what we can"

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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2015, 11:43:56 pm »
I'd rather clean the toilet than go shopping although I don't mind food shopping. Not that I do much because OH likes to do it all.


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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2015, 07:02:17 am »
the zombies were in morrisons in Falkirk yesterday. I was amazed how rude people were, re the stepping in your path thing.. also at the checkout the woman in front of me did not look or speak at all to the lady on the till.. I always try to say hi how are you etc as I think it must be a bit of mind blowing job to do...


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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2015, 09:01:03 am »
Hate shopping with a passion.  I've resorted to online deliveries because Morrisons do some deal where it's £1 and you can choose when the van is a street away to save on fuel usage.  Husband likes shopping, he's strange like that.
In the old days, I remember struggling with babies and toddlers in a trolley, attempting to get through aisles quickly before the girls got bored and started playing up but people do that thing where they suddenly stop and you hit them up the butt with your trolley  :innocent:  and then there's all those ploys to make you spend more - freshly baked bread and chicken smells.. bogof's that you don't actually want but suddenly realise you 'need' - nah, no likey!!
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


  • Joined Feb 2015
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2015, 11:52:27 am »
perhaps it depends where you live?
People could hardly be nicer here. The Morrisons shop does take longer though as so many people stop and chat to me: customers, shelf-stackers and cashiers alike.
Maybe I just have one of those faces that says: " Im available for inane chatter"!! Anyway, it doesn't cost me anything to be friendly so I find it quite nice.
And if you don't go to the shop how do you get to discover new meal ideas? Ive just discovered Naked Noodles which are abs brilliant for my 19 and 21 yr olds who are always in a hurry....and they cook them themselves, which is a double bonus
Is it time to retire yet?

Big Benny Shep

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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2015, 01:19:50 am »
Walk round with a face like thunder smelling of assorted animal poop, seems to keep people out of the way for me  ;D
We have 80(ish) texels and texel x suffolks, 10 lleyns, 21NE Mules, 2 Dexters with calves, Monty the labrador, Dottie, Bracken and Poppy the collies and 30 assorted hens.


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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2015, 07:44:44 am »
Shopping for 6 of us is a mission...

I only use lidl I know all the staff by name and we have a laugh usually at the crazy special offers no one is buying...

I do make a point of going when I know the store is quietest though as I don't like crowds...


  • Joined Feb 2015
  • Anglezarke, Lancashire
Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2015, 09:46:18 am »
Walk round with a face like thunder smelling of assorted animal poop, seems to keep people out of the way for me  ;D

 :roflanim: so funny. I too turf up at the supermarket with hen, pony and sheep poo on  my wellies, but it just seems to excite the locals' interest! Mind you, not a lot else here to excite them!

Was it a Tesco that once banned a horsewoman from shopping in her jods and dirty boots? Crikey, what a cheek
Is it time to retire yet?


  • Joined Oct 2011
Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2015, 04:02:01 pm »
Come to Tesco in Ely, its like a huge corner shop with people chatting in the isles, so different from the large Tesco outside Cambridge. I think its because people come in from the villages to do the shopping. They even talk to you at the checkout, its the same in Waitrose.


  • Joined Mar 2009
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Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2015, 05:45:43 pm »
Was it a Tesco that once banned a horsewoman from shopping in her jods and dirty boots? Crikey, what a cheek

It was certainly Tesco that banned pyjamas and bare feet (perhaps that was so nobody stood in what fell off the horsewoman's boots?).

I remember an amazing interview at the time with a lady who said "I think it's ridiculous. I mean, I don't wear my horrid PJs to go shopping, only my nice ones. They're really smart they are - got little teddy bears on them and everything!"
"All fungi are edible. Some fungi are only edible once." -Terry Pratchett


  • Joined Aug 2014
Re: Has Anyone Else Noticed...........
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2015, 07:33:10 pm »
I have a young neighbour who goes out early in the morning to walk her dog in the park for about 15 minutes wearing her PJs, dressing gown and slippers. I like to think that she goes back to bed with a cup of coffee and a good book and good luck to her!!


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