Hello all,
Just joined today and it looks as though I may well find interesting information here, as I hoped! As well as introducing myself (as having bought, a few years ago, a couple of fields not far from my house, to grow some new woodland on) I just thought you may be amused by a art of my joining procedure. As you probably all know there is a question asked - in order to make sure you are a real person rather than a robot wanting to create spam.
Well, the question I was asked was - what colour is a banana. I did not want to be boring and say just "yellow" so I said "green or yellow depending on whether it is ripe or not". BUT - this question is clearly not being moderated by a human because I was told by the computer, checking as to whether I was human or a robot, that my "answer was wrong" - Computers hey?!
Have a good day everyone - nice to meet you all