What sort of loom did you make, a static or one with a shed?
Plant fibres are really time consuming and need a lot of effort to spin and weave, so rather you than me! You have to beat the plants to get the fibres, and some you have to soak until it smells like the drainpipes from hell, before you beat it.
It's hard to spin them as well, because you can never get them fine enough to make a fine weave, so you end up with something looking like a sackcloth, and the single ply always looks ratty with bits sticking out, lol.
Wool, on the other hand, is great
I always get mine free, because the wool board doesn't pay a lot, and some people actually get a bill FROM the wool board because their fleece weren't clean enough, so people would rather give it away. I get shetland fleeces and jacobs, and they satisfy my wooly interests