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Author Topic: Advice please  (Read 3240 times)


  • Joined Aug 2012
  • Dent
Advice please
« on: January 23, 2015, 06:51:33 pm »
Three things so its a bit long winded. Probably should have had three posts but thought I would condense it into one.

Firstly, how on earth do you fully eliminate pink eye? We have had it on and off since they were dipped in June/July. We followed vets advice and jabbed everything and used eye cream in those affected. We have done that 3 or 4 times now as outbreaks occur. We thought it had cleared up in all of them now one has got it in one eye. The problem being at this time of year they share hay racks. We had been scattering the hay, but as it seemed to have been clear for a couple of weeks we started using the racks for convenience and to reduce poaching/wastage. Its HLS land and poaching is very frowned upon. She is always the first there so even though we have separated her now, chances are everything else will have had contact with her, and with them being pregnant if they go blind as some have been doing there must be a risk of abortion.

Secondly, we have a few sheep that have speckled patches of lost wool on the front of their heads from the nose up to eye level. A couple have gone completely bald there. Speckling in my past experience has normally meant a flukey problem, and we are on land that seems to have an obscene worm/fluke problem which has been carnage this year to the extent we may give it up next year, but as a result they are fluked regularly. Any sort of deficiencies likely to cause this?

Finally, following on a bit form the last question how often do people need to worm/fluke their sheep? We used to do the ewes twice a year at most at our last place. In the autumn and at lambing time and have never had a problem. A lot were not even done that often. The land we are currently on we are looking as though we are going to have to do a chunk of them every 3wks. If we don't, they are dead come the next time around, or very poorly. The lambs have been dying for fun. Is it normal to have to do them that often? We are on very wet land with a great deal of run off from a deforested area and the fields above. I have asked the neighbour and his basic answer was "there is a reason nobody local wanted that land." I know the last tenant must have lost a few here as there are skulls everywhere! The vet is coming to have another look next week and we have more FECs to do as well. The problem we have really is that we have 30 ewes on this piece of land, and I don't really want to move them onto any of the other land we have, partly due to the risk of spreading parasites but mainly the pink eye.

Any sort of input would be appreciated as its been a miserable year close to culling the lot of these!


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Advice please
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 06:56:29 pm »
Ok assuming its Pink Eye the most effective cure is terramycin spray direct onto the eye. Not licensed or nice but nor is Pink Eye


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Advice please
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 06:57:28 pm »
Balding could be several things from serious to mites so get Mr Vet to have a look


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: Advice please
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 07:00:27 pm »
Can't help as not had pink eye  (touch wood). I think your vet is probably best placed to advise about the fluke / worms / sudden deaths.

We worm and fluke the breeding ewes at lambing time(late March / early April) then fluke them at tupping time and at scanning (Mid / late October and late January). We do the youngstock - anything with fewer than two summers at grass - as above but we usually worm the twice over the summer (about June and August) then again in October (by which time the tup lambs are away).

Bt as I say, I think is sounds like you have a particular probelm and your vet is best to advise.

Good luck  :fc:


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Advice please
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2015, 07:00:45 pm »
Your ewes should not need worming for their own sake at all, every three weeks is extreme! Flukicide resistance maybe a possibility or something completely different. Bloods and or a PM could be very revealing, be prepared to pay for a little investigation as it will pay off in the long run.


  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Aberdeenshire
Re: Advice please
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2015, 08:29:47 pm »
Just as a thought - if you have very wet land with lots of fluke have you thought about running ducks on it to eat the host snails?
Our holding has Anglo Nubian and British Toggenburg goats, Gotland sheep, Franconian Geese, Blue Swedish ducks, a whole load of mongrel hens and two semi-feral children.

Helen Wiltshire Horn

  • Joined Apr 2014
Re: Advice please
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2015, 09:08:13 pm »
My sheep had a lot of pinkeye last year.  I was looking at my medicine book today and realise how often I was having to treat one or other (or all! of them).  I found it was worst from May to October and we treated with a jab of Alamycin LA and Orbenin in the eye each time we saw it.  I posted on this forum about my pinkeye woes and have spoken to my vet who hasn't been particuarly helpful.  Anyway, touch wood, we haven't had a bout for a while (since the early Autumn) even though they are probably in closer contact owing to sharing a trough and hay-feeder.  I wonder if it is spread by flies and that the mild Winter last year exacerbated it.  From a worming and fluke perspective, I had a couple of ram lambs with persistent scour and treated with a broad spectrum flukecide as it hadn't cleared up using a standard drench.  Thankfully they are no longer scouring and even though my land isn't particulary wet think that the problem was fluke.  Other than that, we tend to worm twice a year, after lambing and in the Autumn.


  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Wild West
Re: Advice please
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2015, 09:22:45 pm »
Just as a thought - if you have very wet land with lots of fluke have you thought about running ducks on it to eat the host snails?

I love this idea!


  • Joined Nov 2011
Re: Advice please
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2015, 10:32:58 pm »
Could it be a mineral deficiency making them more susceptible to infections and parasites?


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • Dumfries & Galloway
Re: Advice please
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2015, 08:20:50 pm »
 Iv'e been treating pink eye in sheep off and on for 20 yrs using all the normal treatments ointment /powder/ injection  for the last 2yrs  terramycin  spray , it springs up out of nowhere in one sheep and off it goes at different times of year and no matter what I try it spreads ,  even when sheep are a long way apart ,  never had any abortion  due to pink eye .    It can even miss a year .                                                                                       The wool loss can be as ME says different thing but often if your sheep are run down in general  they can loose facial hair , and from your post they sound bad , vits and mins may help so  a blood test is called for .                 Fluking every 3 wks is really scary , I have really flukey land but  8-10 wks is normal  the lowest iv'e ever got is 6wks on one particular  area and I can't use FASINEX  , I think you know that you have to get them off this land pronto  it must be costing a fortune in feed to try and keep them healthy  and have you scanned them yet as fluke can really affect their abilty to get in lamb and hold the foetus if they do .   Are you dosing at the correct weight and changing your flukacide ???     Please get them off , from your description their livers are never getting a chance to heal .


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