Hi all, this is my first post in the forum. I have used the website as a resource for a while but I now need some specific info.
I got a group (1 drake 3 ducks) of Indian runners 3 weeks ago and they had been settling into their new area quite well.
Over the weekend one of the ducks has started stooping her neck all of the time. She is eating ok and there are no other signs of ailments. Although I have not seen it I wonder if she is just being bullied/harrassed by the drake but worry that it could be something worse? If she is being bullied/harassed should I separate her with one of the other ducks for company?
The ducks currently share a space 20m x 10m with 6 hens that had been a formal garden with lots of interesting plants, conifers, bamboo, hostas, weeping willows etc etc. There is a pond in the area of ~3m^3 which had been filled in for an extended time with stone chuckies. I cleared the pond and flushed it through a few times before introducing the ducks.